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那女孩眼睛凹下去了。The girl's eyes have sunken.

没有一艘沉船是不备有图表的。Every sunken ship has a chart.

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重船外打捞入许少粗佳瓷器。Sunken ship yields more porcelain.

他们打捞出沉在水中的弓单药。They fished up the sunken ammunition.

这条鳗鱼在这艘沉船里游进游出。The eel slithered in and out of the sunken ship.

是啊,原来凹陷的双颊现在已经鼓起来了。Yes. The originally sunken cheeks are bulging now.

他脸颊凹陷,颧骨突出。His cheeks were sunken and his cheek-bones prominent.

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常常感到困惑,象石头卡在凹洞里,进退两难!Confused, like stone stuck in a dilemma in sunken hole, !

奥运公园的中心区有一个下沉花园广场。There is a Sunken Garden in the central area of the park.

地面上好几处凹陷的地方都积满了雨水。Several sunken areas in the road are brimful with rainwater.

这艘船的发现惊动了考古界。The discovery of that sunken ship rocked the archeology world.

他们把沉船打捞起来,拖到港口。After they had raised the sunken vessel, they towed it to port.

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他羞愧万分,凹陷的面颊上慢慢地透出了红色。His sunken cheeks slowly reddened and burned with miserable shame.

王家凹不起色,问题就在一个穷字上。Home Wang is sunken not improvement, the problem is on a poor word.

她的眼珠子深深地陷了下去,大半时间都在昏睡。Her eyes had sunken deep into her skull. She slept most of the time.

人们曾在海底发现过保存异常完好的古船。It takes experience to actually know a sunken ship when one sees it.

这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.

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呼气时,腹肌收缩,腹部凹下。When expiration, the musculi abdominis contracts, the abdomen is sunken.

很简单,她没有睡好,眼皮垂下来了,脸也是苍白的。She had not slept well, that was all, her eyes were sunken and she was pale.

为了避免内壁筛孔周边的锐角,冲孔时应冲成下凹的圆弧形。To avoid the sharp angles around the inner wall, should punch to sunken arc.