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电子都被键合在一起。They are all bound.

冰把泥土冻实了。Ice bound the earth.

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君将何之?Where are you bound for?

一根宽腰带系在她腰上。A broad sash bound her waist.

他们的母亲缠过足。Their mothers had bound feet.

韩佳,我看你输定了。Han Jia, you're bound to lose.

我的心猛跳了一下。My heart gave a violent bound.

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求你告诉我,当用何法捆绑你。Tell me how you might be bound.

这两个数字连结在一起。The numbers are bound together.

他朝那被绑着的囚犯踢了一脚。He kicked at the bound prisoner.

她的手被反绑着。Her hands were bound behind her.

反动派必定失败。Reactionaries are bound to fail.

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因为肉体将我束缚。For I am bound with fleshly band.

他把报纸订在一起。He bound the newspapers together.

我拥有这么多同船出国的旅伴。I had such company outward bound.

我要将它装订好还是用钉书钉钉好?。Should I have it bound or stapled?

伤口用绷带包扎着。The wound was bound up by bandage.

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如果是这样,如何将它们绑定在一起?If so, how are they bound together?

可以使橡皮球回跳。Rub ber balls can be made to bound.

由胶水协调的不透光水彩。An opaque watercolor bound with gum.