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因而,它应作为推理操作的基本规则。They must be considered as basic rules of inferential operation.

推论式的歧视可通过教育而逐步克服,一个知识较多的人群将不会做出很肤浅的判断。Inferential discrimination can be gradually overcome through education.

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第四章推论性话语标记“你看”的认知关联功能。Chapter IV, the cognitive associating function of Inferential discourse markers "Ni-kan".

最后,人们喜欢刻板地给人“穿靴戴帽”,这是基于有限的资料所做的推理。Finally, people like to stereotype. This is an inferential process based on limited data.

模拟实验表明,该算法精度高、可推广性强。The simulation and inferential statistic show that the proposed method has high precision.

而翻译作为一种交际行式是一个明示推理的认知过程。As one form of communication, translation is primarily an ostensive inferential cognitive process.

本文着重探讨了个人隐性知识对明示推理交际模式的的影响。This paper focuses on the effects of tacit knowledge in the "Ostensive inferential Communication Model".

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这篇文章集中在推论统计学,及它们在营养学和生物医学文献中的应用。This article focuses on inferential statistics and their application in the nutrition and biomedical literature.

我们对于物质事物难免有错这一不容置疑的事实并不导出我们的知觉是推论的。The indubitance fact that our perception of material objects is falliable does not entail that it is inferential.

在推理过程中,读者的语言知识、百科知识及推理能力三者相互作用,缺一不可。During the readers, reader s linguistic knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge and inferential ability are interactive.

由于"父亲"的影响则产生了完全基于概率论原理的现代推理统计学。From the influence of the father came modern inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.

在区域性古陆裂解和伸展的背景下,推测准噶尔古陆经常位于海平面以下。The inferential Junggar old land often situated below sea level in the period of cracking and spreading of the old land.

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建立意图后承的形式化推理系统是意图形式化研究中的一个重要课题。To establish a formal inferential system of intention consequences is an important issue in the formal study of intention.

社会学的方法增加了推理分析,模仿人类的福尔摩斯的推理能力。The sociological approach adds an inferential layer of analysis, mimicking the deductive powers of a human Sherlock Holmes.

提出了非绝热式固定床反应器基于改进混合模型的串级非线性推断控制策略。A new cascade nonlinear inferential control strategy for a nonadiabatic fixed bed reactor based on improved hybrid model is proposed.

关联理论指出,言语交际是一个明示-推理的过程,同时涉及语码和推理两种模式。Relevance Theory holds that verbal communication is an ostensive-inferential process and involves the code model and inferential model.

推论式的歧视可通过教育而逐步克服,一个知识较多的人群将不会做出很肤浅的判断。Inferential discrimination can be gradually overcome through education. A better-informed population will make fewer shallow judgements.

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最后形成了前馈和推理的复合控制算法作为导盘转速控制系统的控制器。The compound control algorithm combines the feed-forward and inferential control algorithm for controlling the speed of the guiding disc.

我们研究的“结果”义关联词语一共有17个,分为说明性结果关联词语和推断性结果关联词语两大类。We study 17 Cause-result connectives of indicating in total , they are classified as illustrative connectives and inferential connectives.

在不同的认知语境下,两种连接词在显示推理交际中又具有各自不同的语义限制。On the other hand, in different cognitive contexts, each of them poses different semantic constraints on ostensive inferential communication.