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神憎厌虚伪。God hates hypocrisy.

素食论的虚伪,从此可以略见一斑。The hypocrisy of vegetarianism.

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其次,我们可以选择伪善。Next, we have the hypocrisy option.

当然,没有人会为此指责你虚伪。No one will accuse you of hypocrisy.

火眼金睛也看不出你的虚伪。Piercing eye cannot see your hypocrisy.

爱情从幼年开始就学会了装蒜!And love is taught hypocrisy from youth.

对于伪善行为我们已经见怪不怪了。We had become accustomed to the hypocrisy.

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事实上,伪善与残酷的虐待是同在的。There must be hypocrisy as well as cruelty.

它是一个“伪善”会被第一时间冠以坏名声的地方。It is where hypocrisy first gained a bad name.

狄更斯把虚伪体现在他塑造的人物赖亚·赫普身上。Dickens incarnated hypocrisy in his Uriah Heep.

而这又是西方国家伪善的另一例子。This is yet another example of Western hypocrisy.

善伪,是恶向善所表示的敬意。Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue.

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这就形成了权谋文化的虚伪性。This forms the hypocrisy of Machiavellian culture.

但在这个话题上我并不觉得你伪善。But hypocrisy does not strike me as the issue here.

虚伪是大和民族的另一性格特怔。Daiwa is the hypocrisy of a nation of terrified Vogt.

阿拉伯世界中的某些伪善是无法启齿的。Some of the hypocrisy in the Arab world is unspeakable.

考试作弊者是虚伪的,虚伪的背后不乏愚昧。Cheating in the exam is false, hypocrisy behind is folly.

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通往权力之路,由伪善和亡兵铺就。The road to power is paved with hypocrisy and casualties.

许多左翼人士也喜欢这个主意,但它更多的是彻头彻尾的虚伪。Many leftists love this idea, but it'smore rank hypocrisy.

古有副真面目,那就是迷信,也有套假面具,那就是虚伪。The past has a visage, superstition, and a mask, hypocrisy.