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如果你感到不舒服,请告诉你的技术员。If you are uncomfortable, please tell your technologist.

教育技术专家的一生就是一个不断挑战的过程。Life as an educational technologist is a constant challenge.

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我认为自己是一个创新者,一个技术家,一个科学家。I think of myself as an inventor, as a technologist or a scientist.

而Plouffe观察到的是一个年轻的技术员看到了全景。What Plouffe observed was a young technologist who got the bigger picture.

这个高级服装面料工程师必原告人更有经验。The Senior Fabric Technologist is much more experienced than the Plaintiff.

如果是这样,不要惊慌,技术员仅仅是想得到最好的图像。Don't be alarmed if this happens, your technologist simply wants the best images.

作为教育技术专家,我们应该如何维持我们的专业知识和能力?How is one to maintain one’s knowledge and ability as an educational technologist?

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走向技术主义,终将以失去更多利益为结果。Stepping into technologist will destine to end at the point of losing much more profits.

有没有很少发生改变并且教育技术专家可以不去实践的理论呢?Are there not things that rarely change about which an educational technologist could be doctrinaire?

长期放射技师是有关这一领域内各子特色的一个总称。The term radiologic technologist is a general term relating to various sub-specialties within this field.

在大多数情况下,启用安全特性需要非技术用户阅读为专家编写的用户手册。In most cases, enabling security features requires a non-technical user to read manuals written for the technologist.

任何一个“中等之才”的技术人员都能在一天的时间里在服务器上从无到有的搭建起一个功能完备的网站来。Any reasonably competent library technologist can take a server from scratch to a fully-functioning web site in a day.

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只要将“机器人”与“猎象枪”组合起来,那些高级技术专家就能创造出所向披靡的“机械枪手”!By combining the Automaton with an Elephant Gun, the advanced Technologist can create the unstoppable Automaton Gunner!

挖掘原子能的潜力等等,这些都是应用科学家和工程技术人员的工作。And developing the potentialities of atomic energy, are all examples of the work of the applied scientist or technologist.

例如,此技术人员需要对宫颈标本做“巴氏测试”来检查该标本是否有癌症前期的细胞存在。For example, this technologist checks a cervical specimen taken in a "Pap test" to see if there are any precancerous cells.

Kocher说他是一个技术人员,无意卷入格式大战,而且给两个阵营提供了同样的技术。Kocher says he’s a technologist who had no desire to get caught up in a format war, and offered the technology to both camps.

公司拥有经验丰富的经营管理人员、高级工程师和食品工艺师及训练有素的技术工人。The company has the experienced management and operation personnel, senior engineer and food technologist and the well-trained technical worker.

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我是一个互动的导演艺术总监和设计技术人员住在纽约市,现在正被纽约时报雇佣。Francesco Bertelli -Interactive Director I'm an Art Director and Design Technologist living in NYC, and currently working for The New York Times.

在审查计算机的图像数据文件传输到X光技师,然后发送到放射科医师作进一步的解释。The image data file is transmitted to the X-ray technologist at a computer for review and then sent to the radiologist for further interpretation.

张晖先生是位出色的技术专家,拥有10多项专利,并在机器人和控制系统领域发表30多份论著。Hui Zhang is an accomplished technologist with more than 10 patents and more than 30 paper publications in the areas of robotics and control system.