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我在赛季中把自己扔进了训练营。I put myself through my own midseason training camp.

在孟菲斯南海文假日酒店,鲁迪盖和勒布朗詹姆斯都已经为接下来的比赛做好了准备。SOUTHAVEN, Miss. -- Rudy Gay and LeBron James are already in midseason form.

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因为那时是旺季,恐怕我们不能够确保您订的十间套房。Casue is midseason time, I'm afraid i can't assure you can book ten flatlets.

小牛队夏季的活跃和赛季中旬的重磅交易没有任何效果。The Mavericks have nothing to show for their active summer and blockbuster midseason trade.

马铃薯耐贮运,是调节旺淡的重要蔬菜品种。Potato, tolerating store and transportation is important variety of adjusting midseason and low-season.

新赛季,他就应该获得更多的机会,尤其是如果在赛季中把阿伦艾弗森交易掉。He should get more opportunities to do so this season, especially if Allen Iverson is traded at midseason.

在孟菲斯南海文假日酒店,鲁迪盖和勒布朗詹姆斯都已经为接下来的比赛做好了准备。而现在他们需要的就是一个打球的场地。SOUTHAVEN, Miss. -- Rudy Gay and LeBron James are already in midseason form. All they need is a place to play.

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众所周知,莫吉并不会闪电解雇某个人。但是当他实在不得已的时候,他也曾让里皮在赛季中期下课。Moggi was not known to fire someone quickly, but he did when he had to and he did let Marcello leave in midseason.

如果你最好的球员是租借来的,那麽他的原属俱乐部一定将会在赛季中途召回他。If your best player is on loan from another club, the owner will claim him back in midseason and you will lose him.

他前两次的表现是分别在1992年和1996年的芝加哥公牛队,当时他在东部中赛季的比赛中当教练。His previous two assignments were in 1992 and 1996 with the Chicago Bulls, when he coached the East in the midseason game.

赛季进行到一半时,加索尔的加入给了季后赛更多的期待。The midseason trade for Pau Gasol had a lot to do with their deep playoff run and the raised expectations for this season.

由于季节性产品在特殊的时间段的消费需要,导致一些商品销售具有明显的淡旺季。Some seasonal goods have obvious sales midseason and off-season due to the consuming needs in some special periods of time.

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但关键还是在于他是否愿意冒险在公众的注目下在赛季中段就离开利物浦转会切尔西。Much will depend, though, on whether he is prepared to risk the adverse publicity that would come with leaving Liverpool midseason.

这不过是赛季中期与低迷表现斗争的体现。几乎任何一支伟大的队伍都会遇到低迷。这次只不过发生在曼联身上。This is nothing but a struggle with the midseason doldrums. This happens to almost every great team. It happened to Man U last campaign.

赛季中期的大交易使奥兰多从一支倚重防守的队伍转变成了进攻球队,而且其威力足以让联盟任何球队闻风丧胆。The midseason deals essentially converted Orlando from a defensive team to an offensive one, and a mighty fearsome offensive team at that.

同时,库布切克赛季中段这个被称为抢劫的关于加索尔的交易,很大程度上地推动湖人进入了总决赛。Meanwhile, Kupchak's midseason trade for Gasol, in what many considered a heist, is largely credited with catapulting the Lakers into the Finals.

原本在星期二播出在短短的六集1986年在赛季中的第一个赛季,它移动到星期三的黄金时间在1986年秋季。Originally airing on Tuesdays for the short six-episode first season in midseason 1986, it moved to Wednesdays in prime time in the fall of 1986.

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“我以前也举过,赛季初的时候,也练习增加食量,接着就停止了,至赛季中期一直只是打球,”加索尔说到。"I lifted before, kind of early-season, training camp stuff, then I would stop and just play starting around midseason , " Gasol said the other day.

而到赛季中段时,局势将会更加明了——届时,我们期待能从种种转会传言和争论中窥得一二。By midseason the photograph should be more in focus—and amid transfer rumors and controversies, we can look forward to watching that snapshot develop.

作为一种特殊的机票代理,为了应对旅游旺季的旅客需求,旅行社往往会提前较长时间从航空公司预订机票。As a special ticket agent, the travel agency usually books tickets in advance from the airline in order to satisfy the passenger demand in the midseason.