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天青石持有光之语中水下世界的振动。Celestite holds the vibration of underwater worlds in the language of light.

意法半导体业界认为,金瑞,风山家天青石矿,是摆脱了沉重的负担。Industry believe that ST Jinrui, the home of wind Celestite Mine Hill, is to get rid of a heavy burden.

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本正石材厂是大型集开采、加工、销售及服务于一体的天青石公司。This is Stone Factory is a large set mining, processing, sales and service company in one of celestite.

天青石将协助提升者和水元素对话,并找到这类交流所带来的安宁。Celestite will assist initiates in communing with the element of water and discovering the peace that such communion brings.

研究了天青石精矿复分解法制备碳酸锶的工艺及溶液化学作用机理。The technology and mechanism of solution chemistry of preparation of strontium carbonate by double decomposition from celestite concentrate were investigated.

介绍了中国天青石资源现状,对中国工业碳酸锶主要用途、生产技术、生产能力、产品质量及产品价格状况进行了分析。The resource status of celestite in China is introduced. The main uses, technology, capacity, quality and price of the industrial strontium carbonate in China are analyzed.

柴达木盆地西北部锶矿床是已知的世界上成矿时代最年轻的大陆热水沉积层控型锶矿床。The metallogenic epoch of celestite deposits in the northwestern Qaidam Basin is the latest continental thermal water sedimental stratabound celestite deposits in the world.

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结合栖霞组菊花状天青石和海泡石成因研究结果,本文认为组成栖霞组燧石结核的硅质来源与当时全球硅质生物的繁盛有关。The source of silica derived from the thriving of the siliceous-shell organisms, combining with evidences from the formation of nodular celestite and sepiolite in the host rock.

对青海省天青石矿的资源特点、选矿工艺的设计、效益估算及有待进一步研究的问题进行了综合论述。The resource features, the design of the beneficiation process, the benefit estimation of Qinghai celestite ores and the problems to be further studied were described comprehensively.

天青石也将协助提升者找到自身灵魂曾在海洋中的所有生命,如海豚和鲸鱼物种,并在现今和这类物种相联系。Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.