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超过马种马。More stallion than mare.

赛事前,他已把那头牡马详细检验。He vetted the stallion before the race.

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驯马的鞭子躺在她的手里。In her hands lay the reins of stallion.

血统被传递种马边。Lineage is passed on the stallion side.

这种马是拥有沙龙Saare。This stallion is owned by Sharon Saare.

种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.

大多数情况下,杂交时雄性通常是公的斑马。In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion.

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他们将这些种马运送到各个农场。They travel the stallion to different farms.

斯泰林从来没有显出一点累的迹象。The stallion had never shown any sign of tiring.

不,腿足有两码长,是个漂亮的小驹子。No, a fine little stallion with legs two yards long.

他听到斯泰林的嘶鸣声。He heard the stallion nicker. The first stars burned.

刚到连队就被分配到种马班喂养种马。Just was allocated to company stallion of stallion class feed.

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使一匹强壮的母马与一匹疾驰的牡马交配育种,并希望育成德比马赛的优胜马。Breed a strong mare with a fast stallion and hope for a Derby winner.

照片中的种马是由已故埃伯哈德Sprandel拥有。The stallion in the photograph is owned by the late Eberhard Sprandel.

这个俄罗斯种马是一个罕见的香槟色的完美的例子。This Russian stallion is a perfect example of the rare champagne color.

雄性马是指还被去势的小骟马或者还未被阉割的公马。A male horse is a gelding if it was castrated and a stallion if it was not.

在所有的阿拉伯马中,耐力最好的恐怕要数一匹名叫麦登的种马了。Of all Arabians, one of the most durable must have been the stallion called Maidan.

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但杰森下士偷回他的种马并释放其他马匹。But Corporal Locklin arrives to steal back his stallion and liberate the other horses.

当一匹没有交配过的成年公马嗅到母马的气息时,它会发出热烈的追求。When the mature stallion without copulating smelled a mare, he will set a hot pursuit.

有一天会到来,那时她会希望遇到一匹英俊的雄马并生育提升的小马驹。A day will come when she will wish to meet a handsome stallion and have the ascending foal.