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这些问题其实暗藏玄机。Here's the gimmick.

这是新花招。It's a new gimmick.

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它是一个有趣的噱头。It's an interesting gimmick.

这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?Or was the panda donation a gimmick?

他不理会这件事,只当它是一种宣传手法。He dismissed the event as just a publicity gimmick.

个人发展对你来说像是一件骗人的事情吗?Does personal development seem like a gimmick to you?

在全视图掩藏的一个恶魔般地聪明的秘密装置。Just a diabolically clever gimmick that hides in full view.

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美声唱流行——勇于创新还是不伦不类?。Bel canto in pop singing-Is that innovation, or some useless gimmick?

在接下来的二十年里,他试过了种种所能想到的营销手段。Over the next two decades, he tried every marketing gimmick he could think of.

与这个独特的秘密装置您能扩展您的精神论表现。With this unique gimmick you will be able to expand your mentalism performances.

但是崇拜处境化的目的,不只是为了使崇拜有趣和丰富而已。But the contextualization of worship is more than a gimmick to make worship interesting.

这只是又一个向世界表明美国现在正在认真地对待和平的小把戏罢了。It is another gimmick aimed at showing the world that this time they are serious about peace.

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扭转者秘密装置可能扩展到充分的啤牌卡片大小,或者减少自己一半卡片大小。The TWISTER gimmick can expand to full poker card size , or diminish itself to half- card size.

但愿你能悦纳和享受这个困难时期新总统的花招,所谓希望和改革的政策。I hope you're enjoying the hard times Barack Obama has brought with his hope and change gimmick.

有自动对焦或者有其他最新的卖点都并非致胜之道,只不外是介入竞争的代价`。But having auto-focus or the latest gimmick is the price of entry rather than the winning ticket.

要求取穴准确、手法轻缓,以局部有酸胀感为度。Request location accurate, gimmick light with local slow, include acid bilge feeling for degrees.

一个连环杀手神出鬼没,以极其残酷的手法杀害女性。Appear and disappear mysteriously of an interlink killer, kill with extremely brutal gimmick female.

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有一类人被称为‘只懂一个计谋的小马’,他们找到一个方法就再也不创新了。There is a term for investors who discover one gimmick and never innovate again --- a one-trick pony.

一个就是设定机关,例如一些人喜欢结合看手相使用冷读。One of these ways is by using a gimmick. For example, some guys like to use palmistry for cold reading.

了解如何使用鱼叉或噱头硬币魔术表演在这个自由幻想魔术课视频。Learn how to use gaff or gimmick coins to perform magic trick illusions in this free magic lesson video.