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续期土地出让金。Land Transfer Renewal Fee.

春天是万象更新的季节。Spring is a time of renewal.

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我们的城市更新日记。Tagen's urban renewal diary.

什么是每年续期费用?What are the annual renewal fees?

复活蛋象征新生。Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.

绅士化是城市更新的一种方式。Gentrification is a form of urban renewal.

可于涂上骨胶原紧致眼霜。Can be used under Pro-Collagen Eye Renewal.

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这是一个时间的休息,恢复体力,并更新。It is a time of rest, refection, and renewal.

春天是万象更新沐浴爱河的时节。Spring is a time of renewal and time for love.

秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal.

这是大地回春,四季又开始的好例子。This is an example of the spring cycle of renewal.

时光修护秀发修护精华液。Pantene . Clinicare Hair Time Renewal Hair Essence.

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当时,他的签证正在申请续期。He was, at the time, up for the renewal of his visa.

但全市恢复活力的新面貌已清晰可见。But signs of renewal are evident throughout the city.

在过去的五年里,我一直在续保。I presented my renewal rates for the last five years.

起初,有一些危言耸听的人预言战争会重新再起。At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war.

是各指针式仪表更新换代的理想产品。Is the pointer type instrument renewal of ideal products.

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她甚至根本不希望他再来重修旧好。She would not even wish for any renewal of his attention.

续订期必须短于有效期。The renewal period must be less then the validity period.

她甚至根本不希望他再来重修旧好。She would not even wish for any renewal of his attentions.