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接受筒仓营销并不奏效。Accepting that silo marketing is ineffective.

现今很多教育都是效果很差的。Much education today is monumentally ineffective.

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⊙、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。Clock don't knock, people don't learn ineffective.

他做什么事情都是按图索骥,效率太低。He's ineffective because his approach is too rigid.

描述一个对你来说是没有效率的工作环境。Q escribe an environment that is ineffective for you.

米尔尼的强力发球和网前截击显得并不十分有效。Mirnyi's powerful serve and volley game proved ineffective.

死亡清除了那些无能者,为新生者腾出了位置。Death gives room for the new, it eliminates the ineffective.

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这种减肥药没有效用,我仍旧肥得像只猪。This diet pill is ineffective , I'm still as fat as a piggy!

试图不去感知是没有效果的并且还是有害的。Trying not to feel something is ineffective and can be harmful.

尽管这种刺客可以制造成功的秒杀,但在压力团中并不起很大的作用。Although the ass makes a great spiker, he is ineffective as pressure.

我平常也挺有女人缘的,怎么魅力到了你这就失效了。I usually have Tingyou woman edge, how you charm to this ineffective.

我发现不仅仅大量的源代码是低效的。It is not merely the quantity of source code that I find ineffective.

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这使得他们在护送任务中与塔利班发生交火时处于下风。That makes them ineffective for battling Taliban attacks on a convoy.

1857年下半年,维多利亚州政府废除该法令。Late in 1857 the Victorian government repealed the Act as ineffective.

我们期望那些庸庸碌碌或贪污腐化的人罪责自负…We expect those who are ineffective or corrupt to be held accountable.

为什么我们这些信仰人类自由的人会变得如此苍白无力?Why have those of us who believe in human liberty been so ineffective?

即使此伪造的文件在法律上是不完整的或失效的,其行为也构成了伪造罪。It is forgery even if the document is incomplete or ineffective in law.

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任何魔法攻击都几乎对其无效。当然了,它非常害怕物理攻击。Any magic attacks are almost completely ineffective. However, very weak.

这部词典差就差在收录那些过于冗长不当的例句。The dictionary is blemished by those long ineffective example sentences.

愤怒、贬低不但粗鲁,它们完完全全是没有作用的。Anger and belittlement are not only rude, they're completely ineffective.