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我们在夏季别墅仍然使用室外厕所。We still use an outhouse at our summer place.

我们为什么不在房屋的后院盖一个呢?Why don't we just patch on an outhouse in the back yard?

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一天晚上,他被腹泻弄醒,跌跌撞撞地去外屋公厕。One night he awoke with diarrhea and stumbled to the public outhouse.

其间有一顶小棚子和帐篷,还有间简陋的淋浴间和厕所。Behind it lay small sheds and tents, a rudimentary shower and outhouse.

并且他们可能会带自己的帐篷,尽管你可能想要出租外屋给别人。And they come with their own tent, though you may want to invest in an outhouse.

那是这个房子的附属屋,在所有的这些都指向一个地窖!There was an outhouse , too and even one of those things that opens up to a cellar!

半夜上厕所竟成了一场生死犹关的历险。What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!

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“噢!离这里两百码远有个茅房,你带上指南针去”,我爸一边说一边差点跳起来。Augh! There's an outhouse about 200 yards away from here , bring a compass with you when you go.

腐胺的味道,相信你从名字就能猜到,奇臭无比。Naturally present in coffee beans, it smells, as you might guess from the name, like Satan's outhouse.

小木屋后面有一间厕所和存放木柴斧子的棚屋,有木板路连接小木屋。An outhouse and a woodshed stocked with logs and axes were out back, connected to the cabin by a boardwalk.

此外,还有一些画表现的是抽象的主题,如一幅画描绘的是一座户外厕所和一个吹肥皂泡的人。Some paintings are abstract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bubbles.

没有自来水,没有暖气-有的只是一个煤炉和一个简易窝棚厕所。No running water, no heat- we had a coal stove and an outhouse and we mainly lived off of what we could kill or can.

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他们密不可分,索勒在睡觉的时候还经常会把自己的床留出一块来和这只“巨猫”一起睡,他们一起住在一个摇摇晃晃的外屋里。The pair are so inseparable, Mr Sholeh often shuns his own bed to sleep alongside the big cat in a rickety outhouse.

瓦立阿过来说家里吃素食只限家里人,罗丝尼随便,但是荤腥要在外屋做。Warwickshire, home to eat vegetarian food only for family, Ruth, casually, but the animal is to be done in the outhouse.

外间屋顶上的麻雀窝被大雨冲掉了,麻雀在屋檐下惊恐地飞进飞出。The sparrow 's nest under the outhouse roof had been washed away and the birds flitted in and out of the eaves, panicking.

在安徽蚌埠一家废弃的水泥厂后面有座房子,刘洪园与他的家人就住在其中一个房间里,而在其它的房间里,他开了一间简陋的果冻加工厂。Liu Hongyuan lives with his family in one room of an outhouse behind the disused cement factory where he worked before it went bankrupt.

就在这一页后,她表示当她知道每个厕所的墙上都有差不多5个传单广告上写着哪里能流产时是多么的“提神”。One page later, she notes how "refreshing" it was to count five flyers on a Chinese outhouse wall that advertised where to get an abortion.

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苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进茅草屋顶里。Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch.

后来,当我从政后,能跟人说说自己曾在一个带有户外厕所的农场生活过的经历,倒也是个精彩的故事,就像和出生在小木屋的故事一样精彩。Later, when I got into politics, being able to say I had lived on a farm with an outhouse made a great story, almost as good as being born in a log cabin.

这款便携式厕所是43岁机械师保罗斯滕得的心血,由他和位于美国印第安纳波利斯的印第男孩公司的同事们共同开发制作完成。The speeding outhouse is the brainchild of mad-cap mechanic Paul Stender, 43, who created the toilet with his team at Indy Boys Inc, based in Indianapolis, USA.