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您的视力怎么样?How is your eyesight?

我的目力很好。I have good eyesight.

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我眼力不济了。My eyesight is failing.

您知道自己的视力吗?Do you know your eyesight?

没有润滑就没有视力。No lubrication, no eyesight.

怎样使视力变好?How to make eyesight ameliorates?

我祖父的视力在减退。My grandfather's eyesight is going.

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她19个月的时候就失明了。She lost her eyesight at 19 months.

眼镜可以矫正视力缺陷。Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.

矫正视力是什么意思?What meaning is correctional eyesight?

这种眼药水可以增加你的视力。This eye drop may improve your eyesight.

你应该体谅到她的视力差。You should allow for her poor eyesight.

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她测量人们的视力。She took in and tested people's eyesight.

什么是科学的矫正视力?What is scientific correctional eyesight?

这种眼药水可以增强你的视力。These eye drops may improve your eyesight.

好视力眼镜真的能降度数吗?Can good eyesight glasses fall really degree?

视力不好使他无法参军。Poor eyesight incapacitated him for the army.

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那么如何通过摇摆提高视力呢?So, how to improve eyesight through swinging?

你的视力非常重要,不能抱着侥幸心理。Your eyesight is too important to take chances.

我们做眼保健操来保护视力。We do the eye exercise to preserve our eyesight.