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第四章,推进农业结构的战略性调整。Chapter four, push strategical redressal of agriculture structure.

为此,时尚杂志应该做一些调整,尽量减少不良影响。So, the fashion magazines should do some redressal in order to reduce blight.

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可以判断的趋势是,这种调整正在从被动转为主动。From this, we could judge, this redressal is change passivity into initiative.

副经理应将这类投诉及分行采取的措施记录在册。The Deputy Manager shall keep record of such complaints and the redressal actions by the branch.

副经理应将该投诉、以及分行采取的措施记录在册。The Deputy Manager shall keep record of such complaints and the redressal actions by the branch.

作为客户服务的一项重要内容,分行应及时对投诉采取补救措施,不得拖延时间。As a matter of customer service, the redressal of complaint should be in place without any loss of time.

补救措施令投诉者满意后,应向主管部门汇报整个事件。Upon satisfactory redressal of the complaint, the branch to the controlling authorities will report the matter.

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分行经理应仔细审阅投诉并安排人员由分行采取必要的补救措施。The Branch Manager shall go through the complaint and shall arrange to take necessary redressal actions by the branch.

投诉的详情和采取的补救措施应当在每月一次的客户服务委员会会议上进行报告。The detail of complaints and the steps taken for redressal are to be reported in the monthly customer service committee meeting.

高中的一线教师要正视实践中存在的问题,积极的进行改正和调整,使课堂中的情境教学真正的发挥其特点和功能,为学生的全面发展而服务。The English teachers in high school should confront the difficulties and make redressal. So that we can carry situational teaching into execution in class.

转型时期的社会分层与利益格局调整,文化与价值观念冲突影响到我国的政治稳定。During the transformation period, social stratification and interest redressal , conflict in culture and values can influence our country's political stabilization.

如何针对银行业务应用系统进行相应参数的调整以获得最佳性能,是业界人士普遍关心的问题。How to the redressal the UNIX system function parameter integrates bank application system to get best function, it is rifeness regardfully problem for the peoples.

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分行经理应当每月举行一次全体员工会议,在会上讨论当月收到的投诉和建议,以及采取的补救措施。The Manager shall hold a monthly meeting of staff members, where the complaints and suggestions received during the month and the redressal action taken will be discussed.

本研究就农民报的生存困境现状,明确提出其存在的必要性以及内容要进行战略调整等系列新观点。This article studying on the exist of farmers' newspaper, brings up some opinions such as the necessity of farmer's newspaper's exist, the tactic redressal on the content and so on.