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怎么证明这一切呢?How to prove it?

那又能说明什么?What does that prove?

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这证明能算什么呢?What does this prove?

可是我们怎么证实这点呢?But how do we prove it?

我都会表明自己是一个笨蛋。I'd prove myself a moron.

伟大是需要时间证明的。Grandness need time to prove.

我能证明我是谁。I can prove immutably I'm me.

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“你想证明什么?”查德威克问道。What are you trying to prove?

我知道我需要重新证明自己。I know I have to prove myself.

看看能不能确定亲子关系?See if we can prove paternity?

我怎么才能证明他记错了呢?How could I prove he was wrong?

留下或证明你们更强。Stay with us or prove stronger.

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这样你就可以证明你是个男人。BSo you can prove you are a man.

你怎样能证明“金钱万能”?How can you prove "money talks"?

他们是怎么证明的呢?How did how did they prove this?

我们要在墨西哥证明这一点。We want to prove that in Mexico.

但有时很难证明没有冲突。But sometimes it's hard to prove.

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罗桑天说我会证明的。He said I will prove of mulberry.

由于它们不想成为热狗。They don't wish to prove hot-dog.

留下或证明你们更强“"Stay with us or prove stronger."