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在索姆固定的问题加载吗?Fixed problem in somes reload?

提高上弹速度和弹夹容量。Advanced reload speed and capacity.

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数据流与页面重新加载同步。Data flow was synchronous with page reload.

其工作量大大延长了换料设计的周期。Thus it delayed the cycle of reload design.

不要取消、关闭或刷新上传中的网页。Please do not cancel or reload this webpage.

重新载入网页看看剧本的运行状况。Reload the page to see the script in action.

连弩可以被快速填装影响了…Rapid reload now affects repeating crossbows.

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她受过的训练确保了更快的上弹速度。Her training ensures a faster weapon reload time.

解决的办法是重装系统和驱动程序。The solution is to reload the system and drivers.

你深情地一发发地装填精密制造的弹药。You lovingly reload precision crafted rounds one by one.

重型机枪兵在重装弹时将会降低500的视野。Machine Gunner's sight range reduced by 500 during reload.

我想我会重新加载所有2700首歌曲,裁谈会,由裁谈会。I thought I would have to reload all 2700 songs, cd, by cd.

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如果正确,就重新装载知识库并重新开始游戏。If it's correct, reload the knowledge base and start again.

请记住,每次试验时都需要重新装入函数。Remember, you need to reload the function each time you try.

在齐射之间重新装弹需要多少时间?。How much time between salvos was needed to reload a Katiusha?

存档和读档说明一下在多人游戏中你将如何保存及读取游戏进度。Explain how you can save a multiplayer game and then reload it.

最后,重新加载数据表,显示来自服务器的新数据。Finally, reload the table to show the new data from the server.

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将重新加载时间间隔设置为适当的分钟数。Set Reload interval integer to the appropriate number of minutes.

然后您就可以在完成一次合并之后,重新载入模型。You can then reload the model when one merge session is finished.

然后,您应该能够根据需要保存和重新加载这些覆盖值。You should then be able to save and reload these overlays as required.