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陌生感会随著时间而消失。The strangeness will wear off with time.

我过去很喜欢肉体的陌生感。I was interested in corporeal strangeness.

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我心中充满了一种陌生感。I was overwhelmed with a sense of strangeness.

“陌生化”是艺术语言的特质。Strangeness is the specialty of artistic language.

在多重态内的每个粒子都有同样的奇异数。Each particle in the multiplet has the same strangeness.

从而避免了玩家操作上的陌生感。So as to avoid the operation of the strangeness players.

这还是一个类似地球的驿动人心的奇异组合。It's an unsettling combination of strangeness yet similarity to Earth.

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这种奇特性在相当程度上是因为历史上的灾难。The strangeness is due, in no small part, to the disasters of history.

周围鸦雀无声,平常熟悉的房子多了一种陌生感。Around the silent, usually familiar with the house an extra strangeness.

没有一种美丽的事物是不带点陌生感的!There is nothing of Beauty that does not have some strangeness about it.

蓝莓花园真正勾魂的地方是她的无邪和纯真。Blueberry Garden's compelling strangeness is one of innocence and simplicity.

举凡最美之人,其部位比例,必有异于常人之处。There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.

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即使是这样,他们中的许多人至今也没能意识到自己在动画上的观点是多么的奇怪。Even so, many of them are still unaware of the strangeness of their views on anime.

怪异性与舒适性、喜爱度甚至奇异性是不相同事物。Eeriness is not quite the same thing as comfort level, likeability or even strangeness.

假定奇异性是除弱相互作用以外的所有相互作用中的一个守恒量。Strangeness is assumed to be a conserved quantity in all interactions that are not weak.

得到的外来物质具有各种超自然的属性,如电荷、自转、吸引力和奇异性。They got exotic stuff with all sorts of weird properties charge, spin, charm, strangeness.

在这里,无论从世界哪一个角落来的人们都会骤然失去相互间的陌生感。Here, no matter from the world which corner to people will suddenly lost mutual strangeness.

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这种陌生感终会消除,我想我们会发现现代艺术的深层意义。The strangeness will wear off and I think we will discover the deeper meanings in modern art.

脆弱的人生又能有多少人和事经得起装蒜与矜持?How many people and things in their fragile lives could bear feigning ignorance or strangeness?

望着杰夫-施密特,你知道这个夜晚就是来杯酒,聊聊天,免得显得生疏。Looking at Geoff Schmidt, you know the night is about a drink away from settling into strangeness.