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在声乐教学中发声练习必须放在首位。Vocalization should play a primary role in vocality teaching.

“长调”在音乐上的主要特征是歌腔舒展,节奏自由。These songs are characterized by their lengthy vocalization and free rhythm.

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鸟类鸣声是鸟类交流的“语言”,也是鸟类学研究的主要内容之一。Birds communicate by songs, and avian vocalization is a main aspect of ornithology.

通过简单的发声我们就能够推测出一个人的实际状态。We are very good at picking from very brief vocalization the effective state of a person.

大多数狼都有自己的领土,它们通过肢体语言,嚎叫声,以及嗅觉进行交流。Most wolves hold territories, and all communicate through body language, vocalization and scent marking.

目的探讨一种腭裂手术方法以及对腭裂术后发音的影响。Objective To explore a method for cleft palate repair and the influence on vocalization of the patients.

介绍了能够发声的主要动物类群的有关发声通讯系统研究的新进展。The vocalization and communication organs in the main groups of animals which can vocalize are produced.

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斑点鬣狗常被称作“会笑的鬣狗”,因为它们发出的傻笑般的叫声听起来极像一个歇斯底里的人在笑。Spotted hyenas are often called “laughing hyenas”because their giggle vocalization sounds very much like hysterical humanlaughter.

他主张有许多单字,甚至在被同一个说话者重复说出时,其发声法都会有相当程度的差异。He was arguing that there were many words that, even when repeated by the same speaker , varied considerably in their vocalization.

在教学内容上,除学习艺术歌曲,掌握科学发声方法外,还应增设唱歌教学和合唱队训练。For the content, the students should, besides artistic songs and vocalization methods, learn more about singing and chorus training.

当猫被阻挡去捉鸟时,他就会发出短促尖叫声,即,喉部发声并伴随着快速的下颌运动。When a cat is blocked from getting at the prey, he may chatter — a throaty vocalization accompanied by quick movements of the lower jaw.

鬣狗“呜呜”叫声是由一轮发音而形成的一系列不连贯的呼唤,可以传播到两英里以外。The hyena’s whoop vocalization is a series of discrete calls produced in about of sound that can travel distances of more than two miles.

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听觉皮层神经编码机制同时也受到听觉反馈和语言或发声过程中发声信号的调控。Neural representations in auditory cortex are also modulated by auditory feedback and vocal control signals during speaking or vocalization.

发声训练是声乐教学中,培养学生科学歌唱的重要训练内容之一。Vocalization training is one of the important trainings to develop the students'habit of singing in a scientific way in vocal music teaching.

本文试从气息的力度、支持点、发声、共鸣等几个方面,对歌曲演唱中如何把握气息控制进行了阐述。This thesis discusses how to control the breath in vocalism from the aspects of the stress, the supporting point, the vocalization and the resonance.

方法对80例经一般治疗无效的癔病性失音患者,进行硬起声发声训练,训练后行喉部按摩。Methods 80 hysterical aphonia patients who had failed to response to general treatment received hard attack vocalization training and massage to larynx.

结果21例患者术后均发声质量较好,喉功能得到较好的保留。Results All these 21 cases were shown good quality of vocalization after vocal cord reconstruction, indicating a better reservation of laryngeal function.

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通过演唱者的咬字吐字的艺术特定化处理和正确科学的发声以及流畅动听的音乐旋律曲调相结合,给听众塑造深刻的音乐形象。Vivid music images are made for the audience by the combination of the special artistic treatment of the singer's articulation and scientific vocalization and the rhythm.

美国兽医协会建议手术只有在证明狗狗过度大叫的情况下才可以进行。The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends that the surgery only be done “after behavioral modification efforts to correct excessive vocalization have failed.”

周边导管灰质为神经生理上的活动的解剖部位,其为许多哺乳动物用以调节发声及脸部活动的协调。The peri-aqueductal gray matter is the anatomical locus of neuro-physiological activity which, in many mammals, regulates coordination of vocalization and facial movements.