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所以,这与古老芝加哥商业交易所的外套。So it's been with the venerable Merc jacket.

据圣荷西水星报报道,肇事司机尚未被逮捕。The driver of the pickup was not arrested, the Merc reported.

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流动环境资源中心铃木夹克是在芝加哥商业交易所的最新线图形的化身。The Merc Suzuki jacket is the latest graphic incarnation in the Merc line.

仍带着一线希望的布拉特闪入他的奔驰车,驶向机场,这次他的目的地是纽约肯尼迪国际机场。Still hopeful, Blatter jumped into his Merc and sped off to the airport, bound for JFK.

感谢你把塔塔汽车和奔驰比较,拉丹·塔塔先生会高兴得让你成为继任者。Thanks for comparing TATA cars with MERC. Mr. Ratan Tata will be very pleased and make you his successor.

中国越来越多的富人们在短时间内从完成了从自行车到宾利,轻便摩托到奔驰的跨越。It is an increasingly familiar story as ranks of wealthy Chinese move from bike to Bentley and moped to Merc in a generation.

梅赛德斯的工程师应该把SL的前部遮得的更多一点,我们的照片显示那是一套被怀疑是类似CLS的转角前灯。Merc 's engineers should have covered up more of the SL's front end, because our photos reveal a suspiciously CLS-esque set of boomerang headlamps.

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我找来的其他雇佣军们已经在几天前到了,你要知道,只要你还享受这座城市所给你的待遇,我就期望你值得那些付出的金币。The other Merc 's I've hired arrived days ago. I'll have you know, that as long as you are on our city's payroll, I will expect you to earn your coin.

这里又再一次出现了各式军用和民用服饰,副驾驶席上的雇佣兵戴了个法式丛林帽,驾驶员刚戴了个红色贝雷帽。Again a variety of military and civilian clothing and uniforms. The passenger seat merc wears what appears to be a French bush hat, the driver a red beret.

申请机构请附上活动地点流动环境资源中心车辆将停泊的位置及提供电源位置的草图给本署考虑。Your organization should provide a layout indicated the location of the display area, parking of the MERC and the power connection points for our consideration.

芝加哥商业交易所是期货市场,人们交易的合约约定人们在将来特定的日期交割一定的商品。The Chicago Merc is a futures market, where people trade contracts that give them the right to purchase a particular commodity at a specified date in the future.

雇佣兵营地又回来了,它需要工厂作为前提。但是它依旧是兵营制造收割者的前提。The Merc Haven has been brought back in for the current build. It currently needs a Factory as a prerequisite, and is a prerequisite building to build Reapers from the Barracks.

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第二天早晨他把这辆车泊在收藏家的停车场然后用一根曲棍球棒把车毁掉了,那个收藏家见到这辆车后的表情是无价的。The next morning he parked the merc in the collectors parking space and banged it up with a cricket bat in several places. The look on the other guys face when he saw the banged up merc was priceless.