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海燕在暴风雨中飞掠。The petrel rode the storm.

为一中型,具有叉尾中等的黑色海燕。A medium-sized, all-dark storm petrel with a.

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海燕从遥远的地方振翼飞来。The petrel came winnowing in from afar on the sea.

海燕从海上遥远的地方振翅飞来。The petrel came winnowing in from afar on the sea.

因此,陈海燕也再一次遇见了这种情况。Therefore, petrel Chen also again met this circumstance.

在远距离之下,穴鸟呈现一致的黑色。At distance, Bulwer's Petrel appears to be uniform black.

画面还显示,老鼠吞噬大西洋海燕和大海鸥类飞鸟的幼雏。Footage also showed mice devouring Atlantic petrel and great shearwater chicks.

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陈海燕一边在心里面叹息着,一边和几人随意地聊着天。Petrel Chen chapter in mind the noodles weep, part and several people at random chat a sky.

尤指远离海岸,栖息在海洋上的鸟,例如海燕或信天翁。A bird, such as a petrel or an albatross, that frequents the ocean, especially far from shore.

在乌云和大海之间,海燕像黑色的闪电,高傲的飞翔。Between the clouds and the sea proudly soars the stormy petrel , as a streak of black lightning.

应用PETREL软件,采用随机建模的方法对E32油藏储层进行三维地质建模。The 3D geological model of the Gasi area is generated using random model based on PETREL software.

海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕注意,注意力集中。Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel.

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陈海燕,傅琪,贵客驾临,还不快点出来迎接!Petrel Chen, ugg boots Fu Qi, the credited guest variety presence, also no ugg tall rapidly comes out applause!

和她的姐妹工作得非常彻底,捕光了一些鲸鱼种群,几乎快灭绝掉蓝鲸。Petrel and her sisters did their work too well, depleting some whale species and nearly exterminating the blue.

陈海燕看着聊天兴致很高昂的众人,和大家打了个招呼,跟在薛丽后面走出房门。Petrel Chen looking at to chat charm very high public, hammer hello with everyone, the heel backward came out door by Xue Li.

海燕叫喊着,飞翔着,像黑色的闪电,箭一般地穿过乌云,翅膀掠起波浪的飞沫。The stormy petrel soars with a scream, a streak of black lightning, as an arrow pierces the clouds, on wing-tip slicing the wave froth.

这样一想,陈海燕也觉得她终于了结了一段心事,倒也很是自得其乐了一番。So on thinking, petrel Chen also feels she finally concluded a worry and poured also really is a find joy in one's own way some kind of.

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我在基隆演讲时被问到了如何分辨穴鸟与长尾水剃暗色型,而且我可以理解为什麽。I was asked about the identification of Bulwer's Petrel vs. dark morph Wedge-tailed Shearwater whilst in Keelung, and can understand why.

护士是一只海燕,大海茫茫,风声阵阵,振翅昂扬,同险恶的环境拼搏。A nurse is a storm petrel in the roaring wind and endless sea waving her wings courageously and vigorously while struggling against the sever environment.

最后,一阵汹涌狂浪袭来,海燕毫不退缩,勇往直前,全力以赴。终于,天空乌云散尽,明净的天空下,留住了海燕高傲无畏的身影。Finally, , a rough sea, the petrel undeterred, go forward, go all out. Finally, the sky dark clouds disperse, clear sky, retain the petrel arrogant fearless.