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我愿意帮助他。I proffer to help him.

他提出的意见被采纳了。His proffer of advice was accepted.

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需要的时候用,之后洗。Then proffer it as needed. And wash it after.

他所提供的建议最后没被采纳。His proffer of advice was not accepted finally.

学校可以给那些弱势孩子提供定制化的帮助。Schools can proffer tailor-made help for those disadvantaged children.

不过经验告诉他,文化课作业打发不了爸爸的要求。But experience had taught him not to proffer academic work as an excuse.

那个构想经过精心设计,为了产生效果,如同我曾经提供过的设计。That formulation is carefully designed to have an effect, like all those I proffer.

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标榜“天然”、“纯净”和“绝对新鲜”的瓶装水,和披上美丽包装的自来水有什么不同么?They proffer claims of being " essential," "pure," and "crystal-fresh," but are bottled waters anything more than glorified tap water?

另外,与正常的同类相比,带有遗传突变而变得比较长寿的实验果蝇、蠕虫与小鼠,也都比较能承受氧化的伤害。Also, lab flies, worms and mice carrying genetic mutations that proffer long life tend to withstand oxidative assaults better than their peers.

在此基础上分析了法官自由心证合理存在的客观条件和衡量标准。The article further discussed the judge free heart proffer reasonable existence objective condition and the weight standard in this foundation.

并对不同系统新风的节能运行调节措施提出了自己的看法。This paper also proffer form some original opinions about the adjustment operating mode of the fresh-air volume in the air-conditioned systems.

今晚到底要做什么呢?容我建议,你看全国各地酒吧里,周四是美女之夜。So what are we going to do tonight?If I may proffer a suggestion, in bars all across this great nation of ours, Thursday night is Ladies' Night.

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要如何礼貌地向他们打招呼呢?你会鞠躬、或伸出你的手,还是以一个美式的拥抱欢迎这群陌生人?What is the polite way to greet them? Do you bow, or proffer your hand, or prepare to envelop the assembled strangers in an American-style embrace?

对于那些我们的年轻人的福祉负责的人,我只能提供一些临时的建议,恳求他们对现状检讨一番。To all those in charge of our young people’s welfare, I can do no better than proffer some impromptu advice and implore them to take stock of the situation.

沿着门前狭隘起伏的小马路一直下去是小市镇,那里有教堂、超市、报亭、银行、小餐厅等一切奉养人们物质和精神生活的场所。Down to the small jagged pathway is a small town, where sat the church, supermarket, newspaper stall, bank, small restaurant, everything that can proffer the food and recreation.

实现农村义务教育公平的根本在于为每个适龄儿童提供优质的教学资源,提高教学质量。The main way of achieving the fairness of rural compulsory education is to proffer excellent teaching resources to children of school age as well as to improve the teaching quality.

本文主要采用描写语言学的方法,力求较为全面地反映出如东方言的语音、词汇、语法等方面的特征。The present thesis mainly adopts the methods of the descriptive linguistics , attempting to proffer a panoramic view of the phonetic , lexical and grammatical features of Rudong vernacular.

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致力于向科研院所、大专院校、医院、生物制药等领域提供高质量的产品和服务,在业界享有良好的声誉。It endeavors to proffer services and products of high quality to scientific research institutes, colleges, hospitals, and pharmaceutical factory, etc. and wins great reputation in the field.