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你们这些风啊,为何如此哀戚地飘荡!You winds, why waft so sadly.

何因吹送落花来。Why would it waft fallen flowers silently?

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吹出泡泡的东西就像你在空中挥舞的一把剑。The bubble maker is like a sword that you waft in the air.

一阵芬芳的气息从花丛中吹过来。A waft of sweet-smelling fragrance blew over from the flower bush.

在她差点跌倒时,一股幽香让她停下脚步。When she just about fall over, a waft of fragrance makes her stop.

天堂里会飘荡着你的歌声,你会飞向幸福的天堂。Paradise will waft your voice, you will toward the happiness of heaven.

能够解释所有这些飘荡的尾巴带来的所有现象的是我们的描述。What DOES explain all the symptoms of a tail waft are our descriptions.

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煤燃烧时所释出微量的汞会飘出烟囱。As coal burns, it releases traces of mercury that waft out of smokestacks.

在厨房点上香草精油,让这个香甜的芳香飘荡在整个家中。Burn this oil in the kitchen and let the sweet aroma waft through your home.

试想一下,在家中和办公室里,夹杂着泥土芬芳的微风顺着通风管道吹进来时的感觉。Imagine homes and offices where garden-fresh breezes waft through the vents.

花香也一阵一阵地从下面飘上楼来,仿佛把中缅友谊熏得更加芬芳。The fragrant waft up from the downstairs, fumed our friendship more aromatic.

那些曾经的模样随风飘散在时间的洪流中相握向日葵歌词的手已不再温存。Those who like wind waft in time stream of hands held hands no longer attentive.

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在某处的吊床上摇摆着,一边啜饮水果朗姆酒,一边感受海洋微风拂身而过。Rocking in a hammock somewhere, feeling the ocean breeze waft over you as you sip a fruity rum drink.

牵挂是一杯清茶,飘荡着淡雅的清香,却苦的有味,苦的醇厚,别有一番韵味。Is about a cup of green tea, an elegant fragrance waft , but bitter, bitter mellow, do not have a charm.

到晚上,各种饭菜的气味飘荡在走廊——有炒肉、豆腐和绿叶菜。In the evenings, all manner of food smells waft down the corridors — stir-fried pork and tofu and greens.

父亲的爱在日月星辉中闪射,父亲的爱在春风暖雨中飘散。Father's love in the sun and the moon, the father of wing indeed love in the spring breeze waft in warm rains.

枣花开了,香甜的小花落满了河面,一股浓郁的幽香自河水中传来。Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the rippling river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.

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紧接着,我又往盆中洒了些花露水,热气腾腾的洗脚水中飘散着一股淡淡的清香。Then again, I spilled some toilet water basin , steaming hot water to wash feet with a light faint scent waft.

爱茉莉,喜欢在每天清晨拉开窗帘,让那一抹茉莉香随着初升的朝阳一起飘进房间。I love jasmine. Every morning I like to open the curtain and let the jasmine scent waft to my room with the rising sun.

爱茉莉,喜欢在每天清晨拉开窗帘,让那一抹茉莉香随着初升的朝阳一起飘进房间。I love jasmine. I like to open the curtain every morning and let the jasmine scent waft to my room with the rising sun.