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是否有你不需要的无关线头?Are there extraneous cords you don’t need?

外来的还原剂被引进来。Reductant from an extraneous source is introduced.

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无关的空语句并非总是无害的。Extraneous null statements are not always harmless.

险是属于一种单独海损,对吗?Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks.

强化可以是内在的、外在的或无关的。Reinforcement can be intrinsic, extrinsic or extraneous.

但是,随时间而逝,它们却成了无关紧要的垃圾。With the passage of time, however, they'd become extraneous clutter.

我们未把任何附加险计算在报价内。Our price were calculated without insurance against any extraneous risks.

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合理的技术,没有多余的唾沫。另一方面讲,没什么感觉。Reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand, no arousal.

决定你的游戏是“关于”什么的可以帮助你裁除无关系的内容。Deciding what your game is "about" can help you cut out the extraneous stuff.

请注意关系图中没有显示外部信息,如调试日志记录等。Note that the diagram shows no extraneous information, such as debug logging.

他们很容易受到外界因素的影响而分散注意力。They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive.

开门见山,并通过删除不必要的单词和词组来保持简历的简洁。Cut to the chase and keep it simple by eliminating extraneous words and phrases.

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研究了外源性儿茶酚胺对小鼠皮肤导电性的影响。The effect of extraneous catecholamines on the mouse skin conductance was investigated.

损坏险属于附加险,你方得付这个险的保费。Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks. You should pay the premium for it.

想丢开干扰在一个窗口中专心弄一个文档?Working on a document in a window and want to get rid of all the extraneous background noise?

具有该苹果正常的色泽、气味和滋味,无异味、无霉变、无杂质。It is with the proper color, odor and smell of apple, and no extraneous matters and moldiness.

到50年代初,在西欧建成了十余座体外预应力砼桥梁。More Than ten extraneous prestressed concrete bridges had been constructed by the early 1050s.

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消除了遍历子表达式周围的无关列表并产生以下结果eliminates the extraneous lists around the traversal sub-expression and results in the following

质量差的钢琴经常会产生不相干的节拍和声音,这样的钢琴没办法调律精确。Lower quality pianos often have extraneous beats and sounds that make accurate tuning impossible.

本文叙述了体外预应力的技术内容,以及在桥梁工程中的应用。This paper deals with the extraneous prestressed technique and its application to bridge engineering.