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避免过度运动。Avoid overexertion.

应避免过度操劳,这是肯定的。That overexertion should be avoided is certain.

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过度劳累和忽视将是你最大的敌人。Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies.

夏季出行中过度运动,可能导致与发热有关的伤害。Overexertion on hot summer days can lead to heat-related injuries.

正如所料,本周五的目标将避免王过度劳累。As might be expected, the goal on Friday will be avoiding overexertion.

字母O代表“过度地用力”,要避免那些易出汗的活动。The O stands for overexertion . Avoid activities that will make you sweaty.

防止用心过度也使人更加接近长寿之道。Refraining from overexertion also brings one closer to the path of immortality.

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运动过度的另一个指标是肌肉酸痛持续数天不消失。Another indicator of overexertion is muscle soreness that doesn't go away after a couple days.

因为一般的手套让手指头分手了不易保证手的温度。Gloves may not keep hands as warm because they separate the fingers. The O stands for overexertion.

在大多数情况下,您会被罚款,只要你学习阅读您的身体的迹象,并避免过度。For the most part, you'll be fine as long as you learn to read your body's signs and avoid overexertion.

代表用力过猛。避免使你出汗的活动。潮湿的衣服和寒冷的天气是一个坏的组合。The O stands for overexertion . Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix.

他把这一“小”事件归咎于疲劳、总统过度锻炼及其严格的新型减肥方案带来的压力。He blamed the "minor" incident on fatigue, the president's overexertion and the strain of his strict new weight-loss regime.

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美国国立职业安全和健康研究所报告说,一个工人在每200经验作为一个过劳伤害。The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that one worker in every 200 experiences an overexertion injury.

用力过度的O代表。避免活动,将让你出汗。湿衣服和寒冷天气是一种危险的结合。The O stands for overexertion. Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a dangerous combination.

训练过度的症状有胸口痛,严重的气喘,头昏眼花,肌肉痉挛以及恶心反胃。如果你有任何这样的现象请立即停止训练。Symptoms of overexertion are chest pains, severe breathlessness, dizziness, loss of muscle control and nausea. If you experience any of these symptoms stop exercising.

或房室不节,劳伤过度,肾精亏损,虚火内生,灼伤阴津,均可发生消渴病。Or room room not section, internal lesion caused by overexertion is excessive, kidney essence deficit, be born inside empty fire, burnable Yin Jin, all can produce diabetes.