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嗨,想帮我训练滚翻技巧么?Hey, wanna help me practice my Tumbling skill?

又一次的,我在这翻腾的海中迷失了方向。Once again, I lost my way in this tumbling sea.

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这翻滚的小坝从西向东流去。From west to east streams down the tumbling rill.

这翻滚的小河从西向东流去。From west to east streams down the tumbling rill.

我朝着太阳爬升,一起与阳光裁出Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

检查起球的试样,如发现有明显不规则的倒伏现象。Check the pilled specimens for evidence of irregular tumbling.

一位示威者因从金门桥上摔下而死亡。One protester died after tumbling from the Golden Gate Bridge.

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不过几秒钟,狮子就将它扑倒在地,然后一同滚进河里。In seconds they bring him down, tumbling with him into the river.

如果你拿掉了其中的一些牌,所有的一切就是倒坍。You remove one of those cards and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

让右腿沉向地板,松解翻转离开左侧。Allow the right leg to sink into the floor, tumbling away from the left.

英镑汇率跌至30年来的低点似是山雨来临前的风。The tumbling of the pound to 30-year lows offered a taste ofwhat is to come.

百恩雨林瀑布翻滚披毛伊岛的花公路。A hundred tumbling cascades grace the rainforest draping Maui's Hana Highway.

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真出乎意外,警察偶然找到了那疑案的答案。Quite accidently the answer to the mystery came tumbling into the police's lap.

或者是下挫的股市让你辗转反侧不能入睡?Or perhaps the tumbling stock market has you tossing and turning past lights-out.

“味道不错!”她说,手掐着要,金发从草帽里落了下来。"Not bad! " she says, hands on her hips, blonde hair tumbling from her straw hat.

收盘前一个小时的急跌使得周四股市大幅低收。The sharp sell -off in the final hour of trading sent the stocks tumbling Thursday.

昨价重挫持仓量续递增,追势空单布局动作大。Tumbling yesterday price increments until positions, potential null layout actions.

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他们仍然在说着话,可是在热切而浮想翩翩的寂静中,他们的话语变得像蓟花冠毛一样飘浮不定。Still talking, their words tumbling like thistledown on the hot butterflied silence.

对振动光饰机的受力和运动进行理论分析。The acting force and motion of vibratile tumbling machine are analysed theoretically.

三次世界冠军罗马尼亚选手玛丽安-德勒古列斯库在做他的第二个串时摔倒。Three-time world champ Marian Dragulescu of Romania fell on his second tumbling pass.