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这就是忏的意思。This is the meaning of repentance.

从长短期高兴悔改。From short pleasure long repentance.

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坦白是悔悟的一个标志。Confession is one mark of repentance.

但我们必须过悔改的生活!But we must live a life of repentance !

基督正在敦请有罪的人悔悟。Christ is inviting sinners to repentance.

因此,超过悔改惋惜。So repentance is more than feeling sorry.

认罪是悔罪的开端。Confession is the first step to repentance.

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无尽的热恼,因忏悔而清凉。Endless defilement ceases through repentance.

我们需要求神领我们悔改。We need to ask God to bring us to repentance.

愤怒始于愚鲁,而终于悔恨。Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance.

愤怒起于愚鲁,而终于悔恨。Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance.

常生惭愧之心及忏悔心。Heart Health and ashamed and often repentance.

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待到一切消耗尽,悔悟来时已太迟。When all is consumed, repentance comes too late.

我们的认罪带来悔改。And it is our confession then leads to repentance.

唯有悔改才能让上帝修直我们的弯曲悖逆。Only the repentance to make God to trim our revolt.

小小忏悔,能破大恶。A little repentance can repair grave transgressions.

认罪和悔改实在是让人喜乐的词。Confession and repentance are actually joyful words.

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信心,不可从悔改和顺服分开。Faith cannot be severed from repentance and obedience.

唯有悔改才能让上帝修直我们的弯曲悖逆。Repentance is God' s way of making the crooked straight.

但是一切都是徒劳,我的后悔来的太迟了。But all this was in vain, and my repentance came too late.