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他敏捷地躲过它。He dodges it adroitly.

他巧妙地避而不答我的问题。He adroitly avoided answering my questions.

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女服务生捧来菜单递给茉莉,后者轻车熟路地点菜。The waitress passes a fine menu to Molly who orders dishes adroitly.

正如他所预料的,美国政府已经在娴熟地处理着利比亚危机。As he sees it, the administration has handled the Libyan crisis adroitly.

她已经熟练掌握一套小额贷款的方法,并且乐此不疲。She masters already adroitly small the method of loan, and be very happy with it.

我们对那些能熟练使用权力的人充满敬畏,而对滥用权利的人则充满了恐惧。We stand in awe of those who apply it adroitly -- and in fear of those who abuse it.

没多少人会觉得在这多灾多难面前自民党能比民主党高明到哪儿去。Few people believe it would have handled the many-headed catastrophe any more adroitly.

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换个方面来考虑,如果你能够巧妙地引导你的生命朝向信息与精密工艺技术的时代迈进。If, on the other hand, you steer your beings adroitly toward the ages of information and nanotechnology.

他没有作战经验,但能灵活动用军队进行地震或抗洪抢险救灾。He had no combat experiences, but adroitly mobilized the Army to support earthquake- or flood-relief efforts.

有着二十七个成员国的欧盟比二十年前只有十二个成员国的欧盟更加步履沉重。It's much harder for the European Union to move adroitly with 27 members, than with the 12 of two decades ago.

政治家正是在无意识中掌握了这一转喻策略,才使得他们在政治场合里游刃有余。It is politicians unconsciously grasp this metonymic strategy that they can handle adroitly the political matters.

但要想深入理解和灵活运用虚假语用预设,还有待我们做进一步的研究。For the further understanding of and adroitly utilization of the false preset of pragmatics, we must conduct more extensive studies.

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她已经决定,一旦结婚,便不露声色地跟父亲家的那些她看不上眼的客人断绝往来。She was quite determined, when she was married, to rid herself adroitly of all the visitors who were not agreeable to her at her father's.

历史的圣经的立场正被一些学术论文熟练地抵消掉了,这些论文主要是基于情感对于公正、平等与正义的要求。Historic Bible positions are being adroitly neutralized by learned dissertations based largely on emotional appeals for fairness, equality and justice.

厄斯金和他的小组在预算法案的细节上灵活让步,为的是确保我们的重点项目得到基金。Erskine and his team adroitly maneuvered through the details of the budget bills, giving a concession here and there in order to secure funding for our big priorities.

这是一本优秀对这个复杂人物作品的介绍,它敏捷地将尼布尔的思想置于了迪金斯先生毕生研究的20世纪知识分子学界之中。A good introduction to the works of a complex man, it adroitly places Niebuhr's thought among the 20th-century intellectual milieu that Mr Diggins spent a lifetime studying.

因此,我们必须因势利导,引导人们树立正确的价值取向,从而树立正确的保护发展观。So, we must adroitly guide action according to circumstances and educate people to apply the right value adoptions and to set up the right protection and development viewpoints.

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大好形势下,如何因势利导,大力发展轻钢结构,这是当前一个十分迫切的问题。Under the excellent situation, how adroitly guides action according to circumstances, develops the light steel structure vigorously, this is the current extremely urgent problem.

而所研发的产品也会更加针对肌肤黑色素天然运作节律来因势利导地改善问题。But researches and develops the product even more will also aim at the flesh melanin natural operation rhythm to adroitly guide action according to circumstances improves the question.

在国内外日益激烈的人才竞争战略中,高校党组织应因势利导,针对青年教师特点做好教育引导工作。Under the strategy of fierce competition of talents throughout the world, the Party Organizations in universities must adroitly instruct and guide them according to these characteristics.