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一六○○年开始了一场公司合并运动。A movement towards amalgamation began in 1600.

融合的事务非常广泛。there are, you know, so wide amalgamation of things.

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大学的合并受到了广泛的欢迎。The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed.

49岁的波伽利,开创了古典流行融和的风格,掀起了一股歌剧歌手因“三大男高音”的影响力而跨界掘金的浪潮。Bocelli, 49, pioneered the amalgamation of classical and pop styles that

第二部分为新的历程,即三峡大学合并组建后的情况。The second part is the introduction of the new journey after amalgamation.

南越文化的成长,是多种文化的交汇结果。The growth of the Nanyue culture is the result of multi-cultural amalgamation.

对企业并购的控制是反垄断法的一项基本内容。Control of enterprise amalgamation is an essential component of anti-trust law.

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教育因为融入激动的人生体验中,而使自身的价值得以彰显。Because of the amalgamation with exciting life experience, education fulfils its value.

法美学是法学和美学相交叉融合的一门新兴边缘学科。The Aesthetics of Law is a cross amalgamation fringing subject of the Aesthetics of Law.

与生命整合的过程从这里开始,从你认识到你是自己负责的时候。The process of the amalgamation of life starts here, where you realize I am self-responsible.

否则就是将合作变成了混一,必然牺牲统一战线。Otherwise co-operation will turn into amalgamation and the united front will inevitably be sacrificed.

第一百七十三条公司合并可以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。Article 173 Merger of companies may take the form of merger by amalgamation or merger by new establishment.

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佛教传入藏地之后,经过与原有苯教的长期斗争融合,形成了独具特色的宗教——藏传佛教。After entering Tibet, it formed characteristic Tibetan Buddhism through long strife and amalgamation with Bon.

俨然融合颜色似乎下来——今年的首要选择服装的分配。Color peremptory amalgamation seems to be down this year accouterments dress allocation of the primary choice.

另一组练习这种方法格外好的混合步,是华尔兹中的分式诱转步下接以迂迥步。Another extraordinarily good amalgamation to practice is Open Impetus Turn, followed by the Weave in the Waltz.

经法庭批准的涉及合并或重整的重组安排计划亦将继续实行。Court-approved schemes of arrangement involving an amalgamation or reconstruction will continue to be available.

由于长期而密切的族际交往,该地区出现了民族融合的新局面。Owing to the long time communication among these nationalities, a new phase of amalgamation appeared in this area.

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借此设计案例,进行民族传统文化、荆楚文化与现代设计和谐融合的有益探索。So, the author want to explore the convenience of amalgamation of the national culture and Jingchu' and modern design.

我可以给出一个有关我本人的突出的例子,来展示这种复古和科技狂的奇怪组合。I can offer a striking personal example of this strange amalgamation of reversionary and technophiliac values in action.

从历史发展的角度,对民族融合与社会稳定的关系进行了论述。The paper discusses the relation between national amalgamation and steady society from the view of historical development.