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他似乎有了一个重大的发现。He appears to have had a Eureka moment.

阿基米德在泡澡时灵感迸发。Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath.

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现在,整个小镇上就剩下他跟祖伊俩人了!He and Zoe are now the only two people left in Eureka.

到了黄昏时分,我们再次回到发现摩天台88。In the evening, we return to Eureka Skydeck 88 once again.

其实,每个广告人都有那灵光一现的时刻。Instead, each advertiser has had its own little eureka moment.

也许,科学家已经首次记录下灵感产生的一瞬间。The scientists may have recorded the first snapshots of a Eureka moment.

卡罗尔拿了些衣服去加州尤里卡镇的“干洗大王”清洗。Carol takes some garments to the Dry Cleaning King in Eureka , California.

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当然,我们需要购买门票才能参观发现摩天台88。Of course, we need to pay for the entry ticket to visit the Eureka Skydeck 88.

一天,当拉里坐在屋外的折椅上时,突然灵机一动。One day, while sitting outside in his lawn chair, Larry had his eureka moment.

意大利移民命莱费洛·卡波尼后来领导了尤里卡叛乱。An Italian migrant named 'Raefello Carboni' subsequently led the Eureka Rebellion.

尤里卡沥青性质的研究对其储存和开发等实际工作有参考价值。This study will contribute to the storage of Eureka pitch and exploitation of the pitch resources.

一个充满希望的参赛者在参加在澳大利亚尤里卡举行的世界垄断锦标赛中遭遇了失败。A hopeful contestant faces off in the Australian Monopoly Championships, held at the Eureka Skydeck.

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研究尤力克柠檬在广西桂林地区的引种表现。The aim of this paper was to study the performances of Eureka lemon introduction in Northern Guangxi.

尤里卡栅栏起义后,成立了一个皇家委员会调查矿工的不满情绪。After the Eureka Stockade uprising a Royal Commission was appointed to examine the miner's grievances.

周一早晨,当局逮捕了32人并且清除了“占领”运动的营地。Earlier Monday, authorities arrested 32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt.

沙哈瓦拉教授获得了2005年的“尤利卡”科学研究奖和2004年的“最新改革者”奖。Professor Sahajwalla won the 2005 Eureka Prize for scientific research and the 2004 Fresh Innovator Award.

我的第二个“尤里卡”时刻了解到,铁粒子有一个长期和稳定的生活,一旦点燃了。My second "eureka" moment was the realisation that iron particles have a long and stable life once ignited.

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在二氧化碳分子被加热—冷却的过程中,其中的一个氧原子被脱落,于是奇迹发生——变成了一氧化碳。The composite sheds an oxygen molecule when heated and gets one back as it cools, and therein lies the eureka.

发现之时尚未来临,但是昨天的一则公告清楚地说明这个时刻已经极为接近。The eureka moment hasn't come yet, but an announcement yesterday makes it clear that it's getting awfully close.

加拿大的尤里卡研究基地位于最北方的艾利斯摩尔岛上,常被人称为世界上最冷的居住地。The Eureka research base on Canada's far-northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place.