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知道阿提卡的鲁比吗?You know Ruby's in Attica?

公元前525年出生于希腊阿提卡的埃琉西斯。Was born in 525 BC Greece Attica Aye sulfur Francis.

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这个远征队在阿提卡的马拉松附近登陆。This expedition made a landing near Marathon in Attica.

再之后,他们在外滩的ATTICA俱乐部玩了一宿。Afterwards, they had a night out on the Bund at club ATTICA.

阿提卡和雅典所用的古希腊方言。The dialect of ancient greek spoken and written in attica and athens.

石碑使用最多的是在希腊的阿提卡,大部分是用作墓碑。The largest number of stelae were produced in Attica , chiefly as grave markers.

爱奇多被评为设计前卫且音响设备顶尖的俱乐部。Attica is defined by avantgarde design and top-notch sound from a world-class system.

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朝气蓬勃的阿提卡德莱里翁会尽一切努力防止危险她亲爱的兄弟。Spirited Attica d'Alerion will do anything to protect her beloved brother from danger.

薜西斯的舰队在阿提卡海岸和萨拉米斯岛屿的瓶颈中控制着雅典的船只。Xerxes' fleet held the Athenian ships bottled up between the coast of Attica and the island of Salamis.

上次我讲到,住在阿提卡北面小镇皮奥夏的诗人,赫西奥德I was about to tell you last time about the poet Hesiod, who lived in a little town in Boeotia to the north of Attica.

他让所有生活在雅典和阿提卡的市民都获得了自由,使他们作为民主社会的一部分有权进行投票。He made all free men living in Athens and Attica citizens, giving them the right to vote as part of a democratic society.

古希腊是西方喜剧的发源地,而阿提卡又是古希腊喜剧文化最为繁荣的地区。The comedy originates in ancient Greece, and the Attica is the most prosperous region of comedy culture in ancient Greece.

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希腊雅典郊区,阿蒂卡生态动物园,三只新生棕熊在阳光下快乐地游戏。Three new born brown bears enjoy an outing in the sunshine in the Attica Zoological Park, on the outskirts of Athens, Greece

和其他城邦不同,雅典成功地控制了整个区域,整个阿提卡地区都在雅典的控制之下Unlike many poleis,Athens had been successful in gaining control of the whole region which it dominated,the region of Attica.

那如果你想问,阿提卡当时有多少人口,我们说大约在十二万五千至三十万之间Then, if you want to say, how many human beings lived in Attica at it greatest, we are speaking about something between a 125,000 and 300,000.

宗教活动的重要场所-圣地,不仅位于城区,更多的分布于城外的阿提卡乡村和边境。The important place of religious activities-Holy Land, not only located in urban areas, was more distributed in the Attica country and frontier.

警告的政治背叛,可能导致战争他,作为一个年轻的阿提卡伪装朝臣和勇敢地骑到自己命运的武器。To warn him of a political betrayal that could lead to war, Attica disguises herself as a young courtier and bravely rides into the arms of destiny.

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阿提卡,事实上,大约一千平方英里,我听说大概和罗德岛差不多大,而这就是我们所知的最大的城邦Now Attica is, in fact, approximately 1,000 square miles, which I am told is about the size of Rhode Island, and that's the biggest polis of which we know.

那天晚上拍了很多照片,似乎有我疯狂跳舞的照片出现在Attica的网页和上海某一家杂志上。There were a lot of photos being taken and apparently pictures of my crazy dancing have appeared both on the Attica website and in one of Shanghai's events magazines.