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一种植物在石缝中生长起来。A plant grew in a rocky cranny.

她熟知开罗的每一个角落——这并非一日之功。She knows every nook and cranny in and around Cairo — no easy feat.

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我角角落落都找遍了,还是没找到丢失的钮扣。I've searched every nook and cranny but can't find the button I lost.

在地球的每一角落和缝隙几乎都存在生命。Life can be found in almost every nook and cranny of our planet Earth.

那里到处都是生机,每一处角落,每一草一木都弥漫着一派生气勃勃。There is energy—a vibrancy—that permeates every little nook and cranny.

他们在法国一级行政区的角落与在当代建筑的一个裂隙里生存是一样快乐的。they are as happy in a French provincial nook as they are in a contemporary cranny.

这似乎是认为您应该知道业务的每个细节,对吧?It's as if you're supposed to know every single nook and cranny of the business, right?

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现在,他的关于移动,每一个的证据和裂隙是一个潜在的领域勘探他。Now that he's on the move, every nook and cranny is a potential area of exploration for him.

就这一招“王婆卖瓜”计,打开了一洲洋参丸在本港的销路。A cranny plan as such kicked off the journey for American ginseng pill to rank the best seller.

这种习惯已经入侵到了我们生活的每一个角落,影响到每一个人,给我们带来重大的损失。The habit has invaded every nook and cranny of our lives, sparing no-one, and costing us dearly.

字面上而言,你可以帮助每条街道,有时甚至是在每个角落里的人。There is literally someone you can help in every street, and sometimes in every nook and cranny.

采用网格模板方法产生具有分形结构的岩体裂隙网。Use method of reseau pattern plate to produce the net of cliff body cranny that has minute of shape structure.

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他昏昏欲睡,骨头酸痛,烧肉的香味充溢他意识的每个角落。He was sleepy, and his bones ached, and the smell of cooking filled every nook and cranny of his consciousness.

结果表明土壤母质岩性、母岩裂隙、土壤结构对石榴品质有一定的影响。Results indicated that soil lithology, rock cranny and soil structure had a certain impact on quality of megranate.

在回采过程中,工作面矿压显现比较明显,顶板基岩沿全厚切落,产生的裂隙通达地表并有明显的台阶下沉。Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidesteppedsubsidence.

现在,你也将会迷失方向,探索一个拥有380平方公里面积岛屿中每一个角落。Now, you'll also be rewarded for wandering off the beaten path, as well as exploring every nook and cranny of the 380-square-km.

本文通过理论分析,提出了采用钢丝网纤维混凝土解决工程中混凝土裂缝问题的方法,并在工程实例中取得良好效果。According to the analysis of theory and the engineering instance, steel wire web concrete can triumphantly solve the problem of concrete cranny.

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整个政府实际上一无是处,除了连续不断将这些中央集权手段渗透进经济和社会生活的每一个角落。The total state is really nothing but the continued extension of these statist means throughout every nook and cranny of economic and social life.

本文提出用建立在岩体结构面网络三维模拟基础上的“岩体裂隙率”来表征岩体的质量。A method is put forward for appraising quality of engineering rock mass with rock cranny ratio based on 3-D network modeling of rock discontinuity.

塑胶废料普遍存在的每一个角落和缝隙,但该国可能需要一些时间,街道清洁工和垃圾收集遵循。Plastic waste has pervaded every nook and cranny of the country but it may take some time for the street cleaners and rubbish collectors to follow.