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这里还有四个杏味胶皮糖!And here's four Apricot Twisters!

他们甚至还拿走了杏味胶皮糖!They even took the Apricot Twisters!

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牧童遥指杏花村。The distant Apricot Blossoms Village.

富含天然芦荟、杏油、蜂胶和绵羊油。With Aloe Vera and Apricot oil extra.

你们不喜欢杏味胶皮糖吗?You guys don't like Apricot Twisters?

今年杏花开得真好。The apricot blossom is fine this year.

这些厚重的窗帘是温暖的杏黄色。The heavy curtains were a warm apricot.

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杏色衣服很好看。The apricot coloured clothes look beautiful.

加入苹果和杏仁,搅拌至裹上一层原料。Add the apple and apricot. Stir until coated.

加入杏仁和椰子肉,搅拌到凉就可以吃了。Add the apricot and coconut. Stir well. Cool.

红干杏花死,绿冻杨枝折。Red dried apricot dead, green jelly Yoji off.

明月映花香,杏茶醉愁肠。The moon reflects their flowers, the apricot.

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伴娘身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服。The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.

红杏枝头春意闹。On pink apricot branches spring is running wild.

杏芽开放进入圆顶奶油白色花环。Apricot buds open into domed creamy-white rosettes.

南海涟波潭边杏,樱花尽朱落无音。Nanhai apricot blossoms enough ripple, do not fall.

是狗将白鼻心追上了杏子树。It is the dog drives the opossum up in an apricot tree.

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草黄色,有杏的香气并夹杂着矿物质的味道。Yellow colour of straw. Apricot nose with mineral aromas.

带杏仁酥、杏及热情果香味。Nice notes of almond paste, dry apricot and exotic fruits.

电话号码是5558484.她住在杏树大街48号The phone number is 5558484 and she lives at 48 Apricot Street.