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在塞班岛吃的非常差,大家要做好心理准备。In saipan eat very bad, everyone should be mentally prepared.

塞班岛航空公司来回香港至塞班岛机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Saipan on 5K.

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我们都知道,在我们挚爱的塞班岛北边有一座悬崖。We all know of a cliff by the north of our beloved island of Saipan.

“丛林探险”还是觉得挺好玩的,如果大家去塞班岛玩,可以试一下这个项目。"Jungle adventure" still feel fun, if everyone go to saipan play, can try this project.

1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。In the 1944, as the war in the Pacific unwinds, the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan.

1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。这座岛屿上居住着数千的日本人。In the 1944, as the war in the Pacific unwinds , the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan.

岛上的美景和壮丽的海滩使塞班成为了一处度假胜地。Because of the beauty of the islands, the magnificent beaches Saipan have become a popular resort.

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塞班岛是个充满诱惑力的地方,像装满了热带“吉露果子冻”的碗一样,因此我常常会为自己莫名的害怕而感到不可思议。Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place. Saipan was like a bowl of tropical Jell-O.

我在瓜达卡奈尔岛、塔拉瓦岛、塞班岛、提尼安岛作过战,“他说,”纳瓦霍密码语者也要扬名历史了。“"I fought in Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian, " he says. "The Navajo code talkers are going to be something in history.

假如一个行动失败了,你就应该用一把切腹刀来道歉,就如塞班岛被登陆后的斎藤义次将军所做的。If a mission failed, you were supposed to make your apologies with a seppuku knife, like General Saito did after the Saipan landings.

塞班岛住宿比较差,我们住的酒店对面有免税商店,里面有好多东西卖,你带多少钱都会觉得不够用。Saipan accommodation is poorer, our hotel opposite a tax-free shop, there was a lot of things to sell, you take how much will feel not enough use.

天皇之前唯一访问过的前殖民地只有塞班岛,这是他继10年前前往塞班悼念二战烈士后的又一次出访。The trip comes 10 years after the emperor visited Saipan to pay respects to war dead, the only other time he has visited a former colony to do so.

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一名枪手星期五在太平洋度假圣地塞班岛向游客开枪,在打死4人,打伤及其他8人之后自杀身亡。A gunman went on a shooting spree on the Pacific resort island of Saipan Friday, killing four people and wounding another eight before killing himself.

1944年,美军在二战中成功入侵塞班岛。同时,美国陆军航空队B-29超级堡垒在日本开始了他们的首次轰炸。In 1944, American forces began their successful invasion of Saipan during World War Two. Meanwhile, B-29 Superfortresses made their first raids on Japan.

这都不意味着盖普是个差劲的公司,或者在西潘事件中是有罪的。但它确实说明了在作出道德性投资决策方面存在的困难。None of this necessarily means that Gap is a bad company, or culpable in the Saipan case. But it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions.

美军取得了对该岛的控制,继续推行“跳岛战略”,从关岛到塞班,再到硫磺岛、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和冲绳岛,一路推进,最终进入东京。The American navy gained control of the Island continuing its "island-hopping " strategy form Guam to Saipan to Iwo Jima to Guadalcanal to Okinawa and finally into to Tokyo.

美军取得了对该岛的控制,继续推行“跳岛战略”,从关岛到塞班,再到硫磺岛、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和冲绳岛,一路推进,最终进入东京。The American navy gained control of the Island continuing its “island-hopping ” strategy form Guam to Saipan to Iwo Jima to Guadalcanal to Okinawa and finally into to Tokyo.