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它生产多达200本书,每小时点播赌注。It produces up to 200 books per hour for on-demand bookmaking.

行动中共拘捕年龄介乎三十四至四十一岁的五男一女,他们涉嫌在单位内收受「外围马」赌注。Five men and a woman aged between 34 and 41 were apprehended inside the unit for bookmaking on local horse racing.

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直到本世纪四十年代以后,才开始有认真的学术论文、论著发表,但仍没有引起广泛的注意。Till after the 1940s, serious paper and bookmaking were published, but it had not brought to the widespread attention yet.

“传统”和“新质”融于一体,是评价一部文学史著的基本价值标准。"Tradition" and "newness" melting into a whole, is the basic value standard to evaluate a bookmaking of literature history.

而且当你有专业的下注庄家,吸引的客人多半都会比价。And when you got experts in bookmaking and the customers, the kind of customers they attract, they are rather price discriminative.

本文还将散落在其著作中的一些重要观点作了简单归纳,如自由美与非自由美的问题以及批评与艺术史的问题。This paper concludes some important ideas, such as freedom beauty and non-freedom beauty and criticism and the history of the art in his bookmaking.

由于州和联邦法律都规定赌博登记簿为刑事犯罪,马切蒂因而被迫要么不登记而违反法律,要么自证有罪。Since bookmaking was a criminal offense under state and federal laws, Marchetti was forced either to violate the law by not registering or to incriminate himself.

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警方于香港仔及牛头角共拘捕六男一女,相信已瓦解了一个活跃于港岛南区的赌波集团。The Police believed to have smashed a soccer bookmaking syndicate active on south Hong Kong Island following the arrest of six men and a woman in Aberdeen and Ngau Tau Kok.

世界最大的独立博彩公司,已经签约成为曼联的官方博彩和网上在线游戏的合作伙伴,合同价值大约数百万英镑。Fred Done and his company Betfred, the World's biggest independent bookmaker, have become United's official bookmaking and online gaming partner in a multi-million pound deal.

先后独立及与人合作出版学术专著、教材、古籍整理类著作十多部,发表文章数十篇。His bookmaking including learning works, teaching materials, ancient books sorting has been more than ten written by himself or cooperated with others. His thesis has been tens.

它的学科体系包括教材体系和著作体系。它所运用的研究方法包括哲学方法论、一般学科方法论、具体研究方法。The systems include the textbook system and the bookmaking system in special pedagogy whose research methods include philosophical methodology, general methodology and detailed methods.

廉政公署拘捕十九人,包括两名骑师以及名马会职员,他们涉嫌操控赛事,及经营外围马。Nineteen people, including two jockeys and other employees of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, have been arrested by the ICAC in connection with rigging of horse races and illegal bookmaking activities.