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天使诗班歌唱,颂声喜乐洋洋。Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation.

城建成后,吴王大喜。The city is completed, the king exultation.

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我们在新的胜利中欢欣鼓舞。We fill with exultation in the new victory.

我的家是充满笑声和欢欣之家。My home is the home of laughter and exultation.

露丝因得到奖品而得意洋洋。Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation.

曾经沉醉于轻吻爱情的高跟鞋尖。Drunk in the exultation of kissing her high heel toes.

一股深深的狂喜流过查利的血液。A deep wave of exultation rolled through Charley's blood.

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可以想像他收到哈佛录取通知的狂喜之情。Imagine his exultation when he received an offer from Harvard.

过年的炮仗元宵的灯喜庆余韵又欢腾。New Year fireworks lamp yuanxiao festival finish and exultation.

为了这著名的好医生而欢呼的声音震动了法庭大厅。Cries in exultation of the well-known good physician rent the hall of the count.

3汤姆白天过得神气十足,得意洋洋,可晚上全是在恐怖之中度过的。Tom's days were days of splendor and exultation to him, but his nights were seasons of horror.

在克莱恩古怪又绝美的诗篇里,现代性就是关于不断的上升,和狂喜之情。modernity, in Crane's strange, gorgeous poetry, is all about getting high, about elevation, exultation.

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我一遍一遍地忍受着她的狂喜,而我自己非常清楚我将和爱德华永远分离。I have endured her exultation again and again and again, as well known myself to be divided Edward forever.

到处是骚动、兴奋、令人耳聋的疯狂的混乱,令人震惊的呼喊,却也有激怒的哑剧场面。Everywhere was tumult exultation deafening and maniacal bewilderment astounding noise yet furious dumb-show.

现代的香槟酒,满带欢腾气泡的香槟酒的发明是十七世纪晚期的事情。The modern champagne, full of champagne bubbles with exultation the invention of the seventeenth century later c19.

都市是一个自相矛盾的地方,既有希望,又有威胁,喜悦与恐惧相伴而存在。The metropolis, well, it's a place of ambivalence, a place of promise and of threat, of exultation and also of dread.

近半年多来,西方各国对冷战的结束从欢欣鼓舞转为忧心忡忡。Over the past half a year and more, the West's initial exultation over the end of the ColdWar has turned into worries.

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我心中像有一只轮子不停地转着,由乐而悲,由悲而喜,由喜而忧。Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy.

随着“多样性”在暴风雪般的彩带和雷鸣般的掌声中再次收获他们的胜利,举国的观众们分享了他们的狂欢。As Diversity reprised their winning act in a snowstorm of confetti and a hail of applause, viewers across the country shared their exultation.

像是当我们的两个孩子出生时.她从旁人无法触及的分娩痛楚的情形中露出的欢喜时容光焕发的那一刻。Or the moments when our two children were born and her face became radiant as she emerged from the unreachable realm of labor into exultation.