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刘翔是中国杰出的110米栏运动员,今年25岁,来自中国的上海。Liu Xiang is a 25-year-old outstanding 110 meter hurdler from Shanghai.

“姚明和跨栏明星刘翔推动了中国的自豪感,”Yang说道。"Yao Ming and star hurdler Liu Xiang boosted Chinese pride," said Yang.

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刘翔是本世纪初国内外著名的110米跨栏选手。Liu Xiang is the beginning of this century of well-known 110-meter hurdler.

在这次田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。The world's top 400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet.

1998年,刘翔的跨栏技能被他的教练孙海平关注到了?英文怎么说-招财猫问答。In 1998, the hurdler Liu Xiang's coach Sun Haiping skills by his attention to?

在训练基地的食堂里,刘翔拥有自己的专座。In the cafeteria at Liu's training base, the hurdler has his own dining table.

跟腱的疲劳与损伤对一个跨栏选手来说可能意味着职业生涯的结束。A strained Achilles tendon or a sore hamstring can be career-ending for a sprint hurdler.

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刘翔的巨幅海报就挂在北京市中心一家服装店门外。A giant poster of Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang hangs on a new clothing store in downtown Beijing.

这位25岁的跨栏运动员据称恢复很快,最近已在上海重新开始训练。The 25-year-old hurdler is said to be recovering quickly and recently resumed his training in Shanghai.

排在第二位的是另一位明星运动员刘翔。In second place was another star athlete, hurdler Liu Xiang, one of the top contenders for gold in Beijing.

官员们说他们期望至少110米栏上刘祥可以再夺金牌。Government officials have said they expect nothing less than a repeat gold medal from 110-meter hurdler Liu Xiang.

关注径赛赛场,中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经把目光投向这个月在日本举行的亚洲锦标赛。To the world of track and Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has been focusing on this month's Asian Championships in Japan.

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中国顶级跨栏选手刘翔已采取110米跨栏跑冠军13.25秒在国际田联大奖赛萨格勒布,克罗地亚。Top Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has taken the 110m hurdles title in 13.25 seconds at the IAAF Grand Prix in Zagreb, Croatia.

今年5月,奥运会跨栏冠军刘翔因代言白沙烟草集团而遭到指责。In May, Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang came under fire for signing a deal with the Baisha corporation, a tobacco giant.

2002年釜山亚运会,中国31岁的跨栏老将冯云以12秒96的成绩获得了女子100米跨栏赛冠军。Chinese female veteran hurdler Feng Yun, 31, clocked 12.96 seconds to win the women's 100 meters hurdles at the Busan Asian Games.

在进行了一次失败的热身起跑后,刘翔象其他运动员那样向出发区域走去。After a false start in a preliminary heat, Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang headed towards the starting area like all the other participants.

两天前的一次训练再次加剧了伤痛,以至于刘翔在恢复治疗中痛得直发抖。The throbbing, exacerbated by a training session two days before, was so severe that the hurdler was shivering during rehab treatments.

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这个上海出生的跨栏选手已经在2004年的雅典奥运会上获得了一枚金牌同时也已经被选为国家的政治顾问。The Shanghai-born hurdler had already won an Olympic gold medal in Athens in 2004 and been selected to become a national political adviser.

林丹击败其他几位候选人,包括跨栏运动员刘翔,体操运动员陈一冰,问鼎最佳男运动员。Lin Dan beat out other four nominees, including Chinese superstar hurdler Liu Xiang, gymnast Chen Yibing, to claim the honor of the Best Male Athlete.

本次奥运会,刘翔承受了巨大压力,据悉他给自己减压的手段就是和队友狠狠地"斗地主"发泄。Liu Xiang, Chinese 110m hurdler and superstar bearing great pressure to win at the Beijing Games, likes to play cards with his teammates to let off steam.