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春种一粒粟。Spring for a millet.

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我喜欢喝小米粥。I like millet congee.

让我们回家去吃谷子吧。Let's go home to eat millet.

我在这块土地上已播了谷子。I have sown the millet in this plot.

没有饿死,还有小米加酸菜。No, for there was millet plus pickles.

茶汤染布,古色古香。The millet paste dyes the cloth, antique.

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到达扫帚糜子盛开的茶。Arrived the tea broom corn millet blooming.

巴依的鸡专吃穷人的谷子。Bayi's hens always ate the poor people's millet.

有较发达的农业,作物为栗和黍。A more developed agriculture, Li and millet crops.

茶染即是用茶汤来染色。It is dyed with the millet paste that tea is dyed.

香芋扣肉,炝油菜心,米饭,小米粥。Taro cream pork , fried rape, rice, millet congee.

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玉米粟子刚刚吐穗。The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.

可以吃点小米粥哦,这个很有营养的呢。Can eat millet gruel Oh, so this is very nutritious.

这是对我省谷子生产潜在的威胁。It is our province millet production potential threat.

我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.

可以说,这个价格直接就让小米背水一战了。Can say, the price of direct let millet fight to win or die.

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盘子里飘着黍子迷你香味的舂粑粑糯香!Plate Piaozhuo millet mini-Chung Baba waxy smell of incense!

高粱和小米一点儿面筋都没有,所以做面包时不用掺淀粉。The sorghum and millet are totally free of gluten, no starch.

我国大力发展谷糠油产业前景广阔。There is a bright future of millet bran oil industry in China.