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人类社会总是不断进步的。Human society makes unceasing progress.

是否像那个不停呻吟的副官的样子?Was he like that unceasing moan of the adjutant?

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在网络科技不断发展的今天。In network technology unceasing development of today.

荒谬的人对此必会首肯,他的努力将夙夜匪懈。The absurd man says yes and his effort will henceforth be unceasing.

正因如此,我们在什么也看不见的地方,坚持不懈地寻找和发现东西。So our efforts to find something, where we see nothing, are unceasing.

您的满意,是我的追求,不断创新是我们的奋斗目标。Your satisfaction is our pursuit and unceasing innovation is our goal.

改革近30年的历史,实际上就是一个不断开放的过程。The 30 years history of the innovation is a unceasing open course actually.

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每种势利感都要求其信徒作出不懈的努力,一个接一个的牺牲。Every snobbery demands of its, devotees unceasing efforts, a succession of sacrifices.

还将不断的朝更先进更优质的方向发展。The unceasing dynasty will be also more advanced a higher quality direction to develop.

睡觉时应留些窗缝,以利于让室外新鲜空气不断流人。Sleeps when should keep the window seam, favors lets the outdoor fresh air unceasing exile.

早在软木球棍时代技术就已经成为推动这场漫无止境的竞争的主要动力。Technology dating back to before the corked bat has helped to fuel that unceasing competition.

面对上网本的不断冲击,该机的价格已经降至3999元。Facing accesses the net this unceasing impact, this machine price already dropped to 3999 Yuan.

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我们相信火热与恒久的祷告是我们事奉与生活的根基。We believe fervent and unceasing prayer should under-gird all our ministries and personal life.

因为他们不能达到自己的目标,因此他们经常生活在不停的自责中。And because they don't achieve these goals for themselves, they often live with unceasing guilt.

随着社会经济的发展,城市垃圾的产量在不断的增长。Along with the development of society economy , the output of city rubbish in unceasing increase.

当我行走在祂的面光中时,基督会刚强我,使我能过一种不住祷告的生活。Christ will strengthen me for a life of unceasing prayer as I walk in the light of His countenance.

伴随军事与民事的不断融合,战神的面目也逐渐发生变化。Follows the military and the civil unceasing fusion, the war-god appearance also gradually changes.

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施工技术的不时更新,将为企业发明更多的代发经济论文效益。Construction technique's unceasing renewal will create more economic efficiencies for the enterprise.

让我们用永不休止的毅力和耐心来祈求主的宝血,这样主的恩赐就会如你所求。Plead the precious blood with unceasing persistence, and it will be with you according to your desire.

艺术形象是一个历史性的概念范畴,处于不断的生成变化之中。The artistic image is one historical concept category, locates inside the unceasing production change.