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老师给我们个别辅导。Our teacher helped us individually.

让我们看看每一个月食的情况。Let's lookat each eclipse individually.

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老师找学生们个别谈话。The teacher talked to his students individually.

这意味着dimm可以单个地增加。This means that DIMMs may be added individually.

每个指示符变量都必须单独命名。Each indicator variable must be individually named.

仅有修14.28课程的学生需交,此作业请同学个人独立完成。For 14.28 students only. Has to be done individually.

巧克力用金箔纸一颗颗独立包装。The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil.

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如果要单独处理每个项,应该怎么办?What if you wanted to process each item individually?

在个人和小团体中能引起改变。Individually and in small groups we can invoke change.

孩子们可以自己单独学习,也可以分小组学习。The children can work individually or in small groups.

准备好奶瓶,注入放凉些的烧开过的水。Prepare bottle individually. Pour in cooled boiled water.

每一瓶酒均是纯工艺打造。Each bottle is decorated and adorned individually by hand.

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这样做是有好处的,比每个人都单打独斗要强It will help, rather than all trying to do it individually.

和你的伴侣一起坐下来,分别写下两个列表。Sit down with your partner and individually write two lists.

辅导员与学生单个见面,或小组见面。Counselors meet with students individually or in small groups.

首先我们分别检查每个断言的估计值。First, let's check the estimate of each predicate individually.

然后,您将这些内容分别输出到合适的位置。Then you output these individually to the appropriate location.

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巧克力分别用金箔纸和银箔纸包装。The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold and silver foil.

对于螺栓端子连接,使用独立的绝缘线。For screw terminal connections, use individually insulated wires.

这是一个简单的游戏,在其中每个小孩将被单独的测试。It was a simple game in which each child was tested individually.