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这是经济方面反生产仇外症的经典案例。It was a classic case of economically counterproductive xenophobia.

这首诗根本显示出倾向性信息给那些对外仇恨加油加料。The point of this "poem" was to show how slanted information fuels xenophobia.

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终止你们持续了数千年的全球仇外心理,和允许大揭露是十分必要的。It is essentially ending your millennia-old global xenophobia and permitting disclosure.

但是仇外的意识从未真正在任何多族裔政体中被清除。But the virtue of xenophobia is never really extinguished in any multiethnic body politic.

对于移民与少数族裔的攻击很容易演化为仇外、种族主义与恐同症。Attacks on immigration and minorities slide too easily into xenophobia , racism and homophobia.

他说,越来越多的难民和移民导致不宽容和仇外的心态。He says the growing number of refugees and migrants is leading to more intolerance and xenophobia.

就业无保障,紧张的国家预算和恐外症或许对经济形势的好坏都有一定的作用,而本文的介绍里会有比这些更重要的。Job insecurity, strapped state budgets, and xenophobia may all play a role. But there’s more to it than that.

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诸如明招暗定、虚假标书、串通排外、要求巨额保金等招标投标的怪象丛生。Such as that of Dr. secret, false bids, collusion xenophobia , huge premium for the smaller problems such bidding.

这些移民所具有的唯一共同点只有不宽容、仇外以及在替罪羊身上发泄怒火。Ifthe settlers were connected by anything, it was only the intolerance, scapegoating and xenophobia driven by Stalin.

张曼玉在当地上学,在那里她遭受了强烈的排外和一些残忍之事。The family settled in Bromley, and Cheung went to a local school, where she encountered much xenophobia and some cruelty.

诸如明招暗定、虚假标书、串通排外、要求巨额保金等招标投标的怪现象丛生。Such as that of Dr. secret, false bids, collusion xenophobia , huge premium for the strange phenomenon of bidding problems.

一些早期的茶党领军人物被曝光是种族歧视和仇外分子,令茶党面临令人尴尬的指责。They've wrestled with embarrassing revelations about some early leaders that drew charges of racism and xenophobia. Ms. Martin and Ms.

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在这种可能的氛围当中,你们将超越冷漠和排外主义,兴高采烈地向围绕在你们的宇宙进发。In this new climate-of-the-possible, you will sail beyond apathy and xenophobia and reach out jubilantly to the living universe that surrounds you.

确实,我们可以听信那些悲观论调、孤立主义者的地方保护主义和排外主义而轻易的毁掉我们的未来。True, we can ruin our future if we listen to the voices of defeatism and give in to the classic isolationist tendencies of protectionism and xenophobia.

极右翼,反移民的党派在整个欧洲都获得力量,记者据说就是这不断增强排外情绪的帮凶。With far-right, anti-immigration parties gaining strength throghout Europe, journalists have been signalled as frequent accomplices to rising xenophobia.

有些人将会试图曲解这种先例,并使用仇外或者本土的论据,来说每一个国家都应该遵照同样的标准。There are some who will try to pervert this precedent and use xenophobia or nativist arguments to say that every country should be held to the same standard.

排外和对少数工作机会的竞争被归罪于愤怒,而这种愤怒导致了去年夏天数十名津巴布韦和莫桑比克的移民在南亚被杀。Xenophobia and competition for scarce jobs was blamed for the rampages last summer in South Africa that killed scores of immigrants from Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

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我们应当具备道德标尺体系,防止大众媒体传播极端主义和恐怖主义思想,为仇外主义和种族主义张目。We need to have the system of moral guidelines which can prevent extremist and terrorism ideas and also propaganda of xenophobia and racial intolerance in mass media.

对那些残忍无情的人的动机停止探求,对他们的行为感到厌恶,这和排外主义、民族自卑感或者伪善都不沾边,不管这种事是发作在纽约或是新西兰。It isn't xenophobia or ethnocentrism or even hypocrisy to examine the motives of people who are so cruel and inconsiderate an be disgusted, whether it's in New York or New Zealand.

民族主义和排外在东方国家都很普遍,对于除了中国的其他亚洲国家的人来说姚明只是一个外国人,因此也不值得关注。Nationalism and xenophobia are both huge components of the oriental psyches, people outside of China would view Yao as just another foreigner, and thus unworthy of paying attention to.