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不承担风险。Not risk taking.

他正把我们送上去!He's taking us up!

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他把我们带回去了。He is taking us back.

生意正在好起来。Business is taking up.

我喜欢那种战栗的感觉。I like taking thrills.

休想拿走我的负鼠。About taking my possum.

参加考试。You'll be taking exams.

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为什么调用了这么多次呢?Why is it taking so many?

他否认曾拿过她的书。He denied taking her book.

我现在是过一天算一天。I am taking it day by day.

我正在拿出雄蕊!I'm taking the Stamen out!

谢谢您接我的电话。Thanks for taking my call.

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好运走的是一条巨大的风险。Luck is taking a huge risk.

是我食言了吗?So aren't I taking it back?

这条裙子需要改短。This skirt needs taking up.

我们现在是优哉游哉。We are now taking our ease.

又一次,每次都要花个5到7年。taking 5-7 years each time.

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我想冲个凉。I feel like taking a shower.

那就是关于花时间接受。That's about taking time-in.

你现在教几年级的?What classes are you taking?