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Raskin现在是一名名誉教授。Raskin now is a professor emeritus.

国立中兴大学名誉教授。Emeritus Professor, National Chung Hsing University.

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她的丈夫伦纳德。兰戴现任公司名誉主席。Leonard Lauder is now chairman emeritus of the company.

彭镜禧教授获聘为名誉教授。Prof. Ching-hsi Perng was appointed Emeritus Professor.

汤姆-羌德勒曾是美国罗得岛州的桂冠诗人。Tom Chandler is the Poet Laureate Emeritus of Rhode Island.

最近,亚历山大?纳扎勒夫荣誉退职。Alexander Lazarev was recently appointed Conductor Emeritus.

本文作者是东华大学名誉教授。Dai Chenping is an emeritus professor of Dong Hua University.

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干部退休待遇与工人退休待遇相差大吗?Is the cadre emeritus are pay and worker retired does pay differ big?

美国斯坦福大学教育学院的名誉教授拉里.古巴Larry Cuban, emeritus professor, Stanford University School of Education

我也曾是一个青春期孩子的父亲,所以我知道为人父母的难处。I am the emeritus parent of a former teenager, and so I know the difficulties.

1986年,她的儿子坐上了她的位子,之后也成了名誉董事。Her son took the Astor seat in 1986, and subsequently became an emeritus trustee as well.

请允许我介绍华盛顿大学名誉教授莱克柯尔比先生。Perhaps I can introduce Mr. Lake Kirby, an emeritus professor from Washington University.

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格罗斯让是瑞士纳沙泰尔大学语言心理学专业荣誉教授。Grosjean is Emeritus Professor of psycholinguistics at Neuchâtel University in Switzerland.

但加拿大萨斯克屯研究中心的退休荣誉研究员陶尼对此说法并不同意。Keith Downey, research scientist emeritus at Canada's Saskatoon Research Center, disagrees.

郭孟浩曾多次获奖,其中包括1998年获颁香港艺术发展局视艺成就奖。He has won several awards including a Hong Kong Arts Development Council Emeritus Fellowship in 1998.

Williams也是创立理性电视台Reason.tv的非营利组织理性基金会的名誉董事。Williams is also an emeritus trustee of the Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that produces

是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校政府和中东研究的名誉教授。HENRY is Professor Emeritus of Government and Middle East Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

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邹谠是芝加哥大学霍默·J·利文斯顿政治学荣誉退休教授。Tang Tsou was Homer J. Livingston Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Chicago.

日本神户大学名誉教授山田敬三是日本著名的鲁迅研究学者。Keizo Yamada, an emeritus professor at Kobe University, is a famous research scholar of Lu Hsun in Japan.

弗格森是高文个人计算机海洋和气象公司的老板,曼联俱乐部的名誉经理,苏格兰名誉国王。The Lord Ferguson Of Govan, PC, OM, Manager Emeritus of Manchester United and Honorary Monarch Of Scotland.