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房子黑森森的,令人望而生畏。The house looked dark and forbidding.

但不禁止分享,畅销品同样可以卖的很好。Bestsellers can still do well without forbidding sharing.

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我们的教师是诬称禁止的优秀作品。Our teachers are falsely accused of forbidding good Works.

他们通过一条法令禁止散发传单。They passed a law forbidding the distribution of handbills.

然后,我看到一位警官,一脸令人生畏的表情。Then I saw a police officer with a forbidding look on his face.

合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There eis a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

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颁布了一项不得和外国人做生意的敕令。The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.

然而在紧随其后的联赛中,球队一个趔趄,倒在了埃弗顿脚下。A more forbidding step followed and the side keeled over at Goodison.

该项法律还规定,禁止行贿受贿和失职渎职行为。It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct.

1961年,法律更进一步地破坏印度教传统的嫁妆。The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism.

色牢度和使用性能优于禁用染料。Color fastness and serviceability are superior to forbidding the dyestuffs.

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禁止任何从前线部门到中间部门应用程序的交易forbidding any transaction from the front-office onto middle-office applications

禁止这一行为的标志贴到了商店、剧场、酒馆、公园等地。Signs forbidding the practice were put up in shops, theatres, taverns, parks, etc.

多年来,熟悉牛津的人都将阿什莫尔博物馆视为禁地。Oxford familiars over the years have got to know the Ashmolean as a forbidding place.

公告上规定禁止在外晾衣服,或者是用水洗车。Notices forbidding the open-air drying of clothes, or the use of water points for car washing.

此外,广阔的行星际空间,并非如过去认为是看似无法跨越的藩篱。Moreover, the expanses of interplanetary space are not the forbidding barrier they once seemed.

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迹象表明,印度修建这条铁路进展艰难,由于路段险恶、往往不宜居住,昔日英国殖民者在1898年短暂考虑后,在1898年也最终放弃这一努力。after briefly considering it in 1898 because of the forbidding and often uninhabitable terrain.

在英国,禁止癫痫病人结婚的一项法律只在1970年才被废除。In the United Kingdom, a law forbidding people with epilepsy to marry was repealed only in 1970.

正在服用其它类似药物且尚未停用者禁用。Third, taking other similar medicines and persons who have not stopped using yet are forbidding.