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时间在流逝。Time pass by.

嘘,传下去。Psst – pass it on.

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测试全部通过。The tests all pass.

传给我,纳翘。Pass it to me, Nacho!

请把这块面包递过去。Please pass the bread.

我已经过了翠微路了吗?。Did I pass Cuiwei Road?

一切都应通过。Everything should pass.

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希望你们及格哦!Hope you all pass kays.

我希望我能通得过。I hope I can pass them.

请倒蔌我一个盘子。Pass me a plate please.

请把果酱给我递过来。Pass me the jam please.

难挨的时光终将过去。Trying times will pass.

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你能把盐递过来吗?Could you pass the salt?

请给我一张一日通行票。I'd like a one-day pass.

最后一种就是长传了。Lastly is the Long pass.

请把包给我递过来。Pass me the bag, please.

请传盐巴给我。Please pass me the salt.

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某甲递过我的吉他。Somebody pass my guitar.

这钱币不通用。This coin will not pass.

快传球给我,现在没人防我!Pass to me, I'm open now!