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以邪恶或者不道德为特点。Characterized by wickedness or immorality.

她已堕落到放纵和道德败坏。She has degenerated into license and immorality.

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即使是今天的教会也不能幸免于主流的不道德行为。Even the church today is not immune to the mainstreaming of immorality.

这种道德上的研究和论证工作,正是攻心之略。This thesis is going to prove the immorality of "Taiwan's independence."

政者不正,政者缺德,必须导致政治的腐败。The inequality and immorality of the politicians leads to political corruption.

在我们的文化中,自私和不道德成了同义词。Well, in our culture, selfishness and immorality have essentially become synonymous.

性丑闻让我们看到了政客们的不道德。We get exercised about the immorality of politicians when they're caught in sex scandals.

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学校教育中的各种不道德性是道德教育失去实效的根本原因之一。The immorality of school is the reason why school's moral education looses its efficiency.

当情势反转过来,过去生是加暴者此生就会受到更加残暴且不仁道的操控。The inhumanity and immorality of controlling others become obvious when the tables are turned.

由于害怕苏格拉底会诱导伤风败俗和不忠不信,希腊贵族将他送上了法庭。Fearing that Socrates encouraged immorality and disloyalty, the Greek bigwigs put him on trial.

然而,没过多久,出于同样的原因,男孩演员也禁止上台表演。Before long, however, a similar ban was placed on boy actors for the same reasons of immorality.

由于害怕苏格拉底会诱导伤风败俗和不忠不信,希腊贵族将他送上了法庭。Fearing that Socrates encouraged immorality and disloyalty , the Greek bigwigs put him on trial.

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又不悔改他们那些凶杀、邪术、奸淫、偷窃的事。Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

这位男子的下流形象与他所从事的非法交易,让这个号码与放荡缺德画上等号。The man's seedy image and illicit business meant that the number became associated with immorality.

因为从心里发出来的,有恶念,凶杀,奸淫,苟合,偷盗,妄证,谤诽。For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality , theft, false testimony, slander.

纵不美观中情局历史和不道德性为史,没有任何疑问中情局和巴基斯坦情报局是通同的。Given the history and immorality of the CIA, it is certainly no stretch to believe that the agency is complicit.

扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁。Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.

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乔里恩对于别人的道德态度怀有恐怖厌恶的心理?一半由于人生来是有罪的,一半也由于他青年时代的放荡堕落。Jolyon had a perfect horror? Partly original sin but partly the result of his early immorality? Of the moral attitude.

但是,土风舞完全是另一码事,它不仅本身不道德而且明显地促使人们干出伤风败俗的事来。But the native dancing is quite another matter. It's not only immoral in itself, but it distinctly leads to immorality.

此前,官方鼓励婚姻,借此遏制“不道德行为在年轻人中间蔓延”。The authorities have been encouraging marriage as a way to fight what they call the "spread of immorality among youth".