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研究者还认为,某些特定食物对我们做的梦起消极作用。The authors hypothesize that certain foods may negatively influence dreaming.

我们假设雌激素能够防止心肌细胞凋亡和CHF的进展。We hypothesize that estrogen prevents cardiomyocyte apoptosis and the deelopment of CHF.

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我们假设雌激素能够防止心肌细胞凋亡和CHF的进展。We hypothesize that estrogen prevents cardiomyocyte apoptosis and the development of CHF.

假设我们猜测,八电子结构能够带来稳定。Let's say, suppose we hypothesize that an octet of the electrons is going to lead to stability.

我们推测所观察到的现象和聚合物本身时间依靠的强度特性有关。We hypothesize that this observation can be related to the time-dependent nature of the polymer.

然而我们推测,情境在一些情况下是有用的,但在另一些情况下无效。However, we hypothesize that contextualization is beneficial in some situations but not in others.

本文假设,若厂商向外部传递越佳的信号,则公司内部员工层级间的薪资差距会扩大。We hypothesize that the better the firms' emitted signals are, the larger the intra-firm compensation gap will be.

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研究人员猜测,对TEX11基因进行检测可能对男性不育进行出生前诊断。Researchers hypothesize that a screening of the TEX11 gene may provide a pre-birth diagnosis for infertility in men.

作者假设,在恋爱中的人,更有可能潜意识地降低对诱惑的想法。The authors hypothesize that people in relationships are more likely to subconsciously reduce thoughts of temptation.

根据我们的资料,我们猜测体重变化引起的血管炎能引起蛋白尿的变化。Based on our data we hypothesize that weight-induced changes in vascular inflammation may cause changes in albuminuria.

研究人员猜测,这些乌鸦从父母和鸦群的其它成员那里学会了辨认有威胁的人类。The researchers hypothesize that crows learn to recognize threatening humans from both parents and others in their flock.

我们假定R-Y胃旁路术引起胰岛β细胞功能改变,而可调节胃束带术则不能。We hypothesize that RYG B induces alterations in pancreatic β-cell function, which is not observed with the AB procedure.

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我们假设此组病人RTP率会与以前报道的人群有显著差异。We hypothesize that the RTP percentage in this unique patient population will differ from previously reported populations.

推测糖尿病视网膜病变新生血管发生是全身性的血管生成异常,而不仅是局部血管的生成异常。We hypothesize that neovascularization of diabetic retinopathy is a systemic vasculogenesis rather than a local angiogenesis.

我们观察到的恶化伴随皮肤卡波西氏肉瘤,并推测这种美罗华可能加剧。We observed an aggravation of concomitant cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma, and hypothesize that rituximab could have exacerbated it.

这样,他们违反了版权法,犯罪学家将因此假设他们普遍轻视法律。In so doing, they violate copyright laws, and criminologists would hypothesize they thereby learn contempt for laws in general.

正如电脑国际象棋那样,可能不需要设想那些令人毛骨悚然的物质和非物质。That being so just like the chess computer, there may be no need of hypothesize some spooky substance, some immaterial substance.

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一些科学家推测,这些猴子摩擦与千足虫的身体,因为这样做有助于防止蚊子他们。Some scientists hypothesize that the monkeys rub their bodies with the millipedes because doing so helps protect them from mosquitoes.

因此我们推论妊娠时宫内感染可能通过TLR受体直接影响了滋养层细胞的功能。We, therefore, hypothesize that intrauterine infections during pregnancy may have a direct effect upon trophoblast cells through TLRs.

利用这些发现,Plotkin和他的小组假设黄蜂的身体外壳,或者外骨骼能够收集太阳能。All of these clues lead Plotkin and her team to hypothesize that the hornet's body shell, or exoskeleton, was able to harvest solar energy.