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如果将这个参数设置为零或“1”,则不收集任何分位数统计信息。If you set this parameter to zero or "1", no quantile statistics are collected.

本文将使用相对于最小二乘法更具有稳健性的分位点回归估计法。So we introduced and used quantile regression method, which was robust in this situation.

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分位数统计信息提供关于一个列中的值是否聚合的信息。Quantile statistics provide the information whether the values of a column are clustered or not.

分位数回归比经典的最小二乘回归能够反映更多的局部信息。Quantile regression can provide much more information than the classical least square regression.

与频率统计信息类似,也必须为分位数统计信息定义一个数量,以保证精确性。Similar to the frequency statistics, a number for the exactness has to be defined for the quantile statistics.

可以为单个列或一组列修改频率和分位数统计信息的精确度。The precision for the frequency and quantile statistics can be modified for an individual column or a group of columns.

本文首先对贝叶斯分位回归理论和证券市场风险测度理论进行了较全面的回顾。In this thesis, the theories of the quantile regression methods and the risk measurement of the security markets are reviewed.

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在等概率法基础上,通过统计实验途径,得到了广义相关系数分位数表。A quantile table of general correlation coefficient based on the equal probability algorithm is provided for statistic test purpose.

文章应用分位数回归考察我国沪深股市成交量和收益率之间的关系。We examine the relationship between the stock return and trading volume in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock markets using quantile regression.

本文比较系统地研究了非线性分位点回归模型的统计诊断,尤其是影响分析等。This thesis is devoted to investigate the statistical diagnostics, particularly the influence analysis, for nonlinear quantile regression.

在本文中,主要讨论了非参数和半参数变系数分位数回归模型的估计及其应用。In this paper, we mainly discuss nonparametric and semiparametric functional coefficient quantile regressions , their estimation methods and applications.

在独立同分布条件下,利用光滑经验似然方法,讨论了删失分位数回归模型参数的经验似然置信区域。Smooth empirical likelihood to construct the confidence region of censor quantile regression model under independent and identically distribution samples is discussed.

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广泛应用的正态分布不足以描述金融收益的厚尾特征,尤其是风险管理者最为关心的较大分位数。The normal distribution is very often inadequate for the description of real financial data with heavy-tail distributions, especially very large quantile that interest to a risk manager.

本研究是以分量迴归架构分析我国劳动市场公部门溢酬的首度尝试,提供了传统均数迴归模型无法呈现的观察角度。Applying quantile regression to counterfactual decomposition, this study provides new evidence on Taiwan's public sector wage premium which differs from the results of previous literature.

基于左截断右删失数据下的乘积限估计构造了分位数固定宽度序贯置信区间及其估计,研究了序贯置信区间估计的渐近性质。The Bahadur representations for this quantile estimator are established in order to derive asymptotic properties of the sequential fixed-width confidence intervals estimation for quantiles.

本文在对分位数回归的国内外研究现状进行综述后,介绍了分位数回归的模型和实现方法,并将它与最小平方法、最小一乘法进行了比较。After summarizing research actuality of quantile regression inside and outside our country, this article introduces this ideal model and realization method, and compares it with OLS and LAD.

在左截断右删失数据下,我们基于乘积限估计给出了分位密度估计,获得了分位密度估计及其导数的重对数律。In this paper laws of the iterated logarithm for quantile density estimator and its derivative estimators are established when data are subject to left-truncated and right-censored observations.

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利用分位数回归方法,本文考察了FDI通过水平溢出和垂直溢出途径对广东省制造业的技术溢出情况。Using the method of quantile regression, the author examines the technology spillover of FDI on the manufacturing industry of Guangdong province through horizontal and vertical spillover channels.