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在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.

核果的石质内果皮,如桃和樱桃。The stony endocarp of a drupe, as in a peach or cherry.

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我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。We simply removed from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers.

我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。We simply removed the seeds out from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers.

很少,果浆果状核果具膜质或纸质内果皮具核果或。Fruit a berrylike drupe with membranous or papery endocarp , rarely drupaceous or loculicidal.

果实生长发育在解剖结构上表现为果实外果皮、中果皮及内果皮三部分细胞的分裂与膨大。The change of fruit anatomical structure shows cell of exocarp, sarcocarp and endocarp division and enlargement.

Pete的拍柄全部都是定制,从手柄的材料,到内皮的成型和特制的裹皮。Yeah, everything about Pete's handles is custom, from the handle material to the hand shaped endocarp to the specially wrapped leather.

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果有肉质外果皮,不久瓦解并且露出木质内果皮,内果皮具有木质的附属物,包括部分由花柱发育来的角。Fruit with a fleshy exocarp soon disintegrating and exposing woody endocarp , with woody appendages including apical horns partly derived from style.

内果皮的细胞在前期小而透明,后期迅速木质化而形成硬壳,其外的维管束组织高度发达呈网络状。The mesocarp was the main part of pericarp, and the cell of endocarp was small and transparent in early stage, and it became into hard shell that was made of lignification stone cells.

本研究利用层积、浸水与去除内果皮与否等处理,以探讨种子的休眠程度,并寻求解除种子休眠与促进发芽之方法。This study employed moist stratification, submersion, and detached seed endocarp to investigate the degree of seed dormancy and the measures to break dormancy and to facilitate germination.