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缓慢而持续。Slow but Steady.

什么是稳定状态?What is steady state?

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他是个稳重的人。He is a steady fellow.

把那家什拿稳了。Hold that thing steady.

这张桌子不太稳。The table is not steady.

建立稳定的实习基地。Set up steady practice base.

那鱼当初又安静又安稳。The fish is calm and steady.

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他们以平稳的速度开车。They drove at a steady rate.

现在一切都过去了,镇定些。It"s all over now, steady on.

康沃尔的男人稳稳地站着。Men of Cornwall stand ye steady.

你是联盟里最最稳定的球员。You are the steadiest of steady.

或者做一个稳定的乐队和一些项目。or one steady band and projects.

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你有关系固定的男朋友吗?。Have you got a steady boy-friend?

这车转弯转得很平稳。The car corners steady on curves.

这根柱子稳如磐石。This post is as steady as a rock.

那么我们代入A稳态。So we plug in A steady state here.

组群忙音是连续的低音。Group Busy Tone is a steady Low Tone.

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我奋力拿稳了大花瓶。I struggled to steady the large vase.

那么这是稳态近似。So this is steady state approximation.

稳步辊女子前来自首途中。Steady rollin woman gonna come my way.