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天正在发亮。The day is breaking upon.

这里是CNN即时新闻。This is CNN breaking news.

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凝霜渐渐消散了。The frost was breaking away.

海浪或激浪的拍击。The breaking of waves or surf.

令她伤心断肠。Where he's breaking her heart.

生命在于打破束缚。Life is always breaking fetter.

看,那船即将起锚。Look! The ship is breaking out.

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汤姆老打碎玻璃杯。Tom is always breaking glasses.

连和珍妮丝分手的打算都没有?。Not even breaking up with Janice?

中济,船破,皆游。In all, ship breaking jiqing swim.

你曾经觉得自己一败涂地吗?Do you ver feel like breaking down?

老校友的关系网正在瓦解。Old-boy networks are breaking down.

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有时,打破常规很有帮助。Sometimes breaking the rules helps.

你能把它洗干净而不把它弄破吗?Can you wash it without breaking it?

打破沉寂兮,四海皆惊Breaking the silence of the seas 15

计算了溃坝波问题。The dam breaking wave was calculated.

冲破恐惧的点金术究竟是什么东西?What is the alchemy of fear breaking?

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过山车总是在不断刷新记录。Roller coasters keep breaking records.

浓云终于散开了。The heavy clouds are breaking at last!

一场因水坝破裂所造成的大洪水。A cataclysm caused by the dam breaking.